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Kobayashi Maru is a game information page. It is categorized as: Three dimensional.
Kobayashi Maru. A variant set of rules for playing chess using the 3 dimensionsal set featured on the TV series Star Trek. (7x(), Cells: 64)
By Larry L. Smith.
Other Information
The board used for this game has 7 levels/boards, 64 cells/squares.
This game is a 2 player game.
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See Also
Kobayashi Maru Variant of Star Trek 3-D Chess. A variant set of rules for playing chess using the 3 dimentional set featured on the TV series Star Trek. Author: Larry L. Smith and Tony Quintanilla. Inventor: Larry L. Smith.
Kobayashi Maru. Variant of Star Trek 3D Chess. By Larry L. Smith.
Kobayashi Maru Variant of ST3D Chess
. A variant set of rules for playing chess using the 3 dimensionsal set featured on the TV series Star Trek. By Larry L. Smith.
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Borg Queen. Variant of Star Trek 3D Chess. (7x(), Cells: 64) By Larry L. Smith.
Curved Space. Variant of Star Trek 3D Chess. (7x(), Cells: 64) By Larry L. Smith.
First Contact. Variant of Star Trek 3D Chess. (7x(), Cells: 64) By Larry L. Smith.
Neutral Zone. StarTrek 3D Chess Variant. (7x(), Cells: 64) By Larry L. Smith.
Transporter Pad. Star Trek 3D Chess Variant. (7x(), Cells: 64) By Larry L. Smith.
Warp Factor. Variant of Star Trek 3D Chess. (7x(), Cells: 64) By Larry L. Smith.
Borg Queen. Variant of Star Trek 3D Chess. By Larry L. Smith.
First Contact. Variant of Star Trek 3D Chess. By Larry L. Smith.
Transporter Pad. Variant of Star Trek 3D Chess. By Larry L. Smith.
Warp Factor. Variant of Star Trek 3D Chess. By Larry L. Smith.
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