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Coordinator is a piececlopedia entry. It is categorized as: Not categorized.
Coordinator. Takes in `coordination' with king.
Author: Ben Good. Inventor: Robert Abbott.
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See Also
Chameleon (1). Take a piece in the way that piece is taking. Author: Ben Good. Inventor: Robert Abbott.
Immobilizer. Pieces standing near an immobilizer may not move. Author: Ben Good. Inventor: Robert Abbott.
Long Leaper.
Moves as queen, but takes by leaping. Author: Ben Good. Inventor: Robert Abbott.
Pincer Pawn. Moves as rook, and takes by enclosing. Author: Ben Good. Inventor: Robert Abbott.
Withdrawer. Takes by moving away. Author: Ben Good. Inventor: Robert Abbott.
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[edit] [links] [associate image] [associate text] [info] [quick edit]Group ID 'UltimaPiece'