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Wildebeest Chess is a game information page. It is categorized as: Two dimensional, Large board.
Wildebeest Chess. Variant on an 10 by 11 board with extra jumping pieces. (11x10, Cells: 110) (Recognized!)
Author: Hans L. Bodlaender and Fergus Duniho. Inventor: R. Wayne Schmittberger.
Wildebeest Chess is a large chess variant invented by R. Wayne Schmittberger. It is a Recognized Chess Variant. Glenn E. Overby II writes: "Wildebeest Chess has an established tradition of play, especially at one time via NOST. It has widespread distribution, courtesy of Schmittberger's book New Rules for Classic Games--which is where I learned it. It is also a finely balanced game, which like so many others takes a specific theme and refines it. In this case, it is the balance between leapers and riders that is worthy of attention. Not only were the number of pieces of each broad type balanced, but play shows that their strengths came out fairly closely as well. Knight and Camel are slightly weaker, but only slightly, than Bishop and Rook. The Wildebeest is markedly superior to a Rook, although not quite the Queen's equal. For those who like playing with Knights, Wildebeest Chess opens up whole new vistas of tactical challenge."
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The board used for this game has 10 row(s), 11 column(s), 110 cells/squares.
This game is a 2 player game.
Invented in the year 1987.
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See Also
Wildebeest Chess. Game with several kinds of jumpers; one of the more-often played large-board variants. Author: Ed Friedlander. Inventor: R. Wayne Schmittberger.
Wildebeest Chess. Play this large variant featuring a new piece on Jocly. Author: Michel Gutierrez and Jean-Louis Cazaux. Inventor: R. Wayne Schmittberger.
Wildebeest Chess - Recognized. Now a Recognized Chess Variant! Author: Glenn Overby II. Inventor: R. Wayne Schmittberger.
Wildebeest Chess. Stars the Wildebeest which moves as knight or camel. Author: Fergus Duniho. Inventor: R. Wayne Schmittberger.
Wildebeest Chess
. Variant on an 10 by 11 board with extra jumping pieces. Author: Jean-Louis Cazaux. Inventor: R. Wayne Schmittberger.
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