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Hydra Chess is a Zillions-of-Games file. It is categorized as: Two dimensional.
Hydra Chess . Captured pieces return. Regrown pieces will be of lesser value.
By Karl Scherer.
Objective: Checkmate your opponent's King.
According to Greek mythology, the Hydra was a beast with seven heads. Whenever
someone cut off one of the heads, it quickly grew back. If you capture one of
your opponent's pieces in Hydra Chess, your opponent may reinsert it, but it
will change into a piece of less value: Pawn < Knight < Bishop < Rook
< Queen. Hence Pawns are lost immediately and do now grow back.
To reinstate a piece, just click an empty square of the board.
In the default variant, up to sixteen captured pieces can be stored.
In the Swap Variant, only one captured piece will be stored.
This game originally posted in the Zillions of Games site,;id=51
Other Information
The board used for this game has 8 row(s), 8 column(s), 64 cells/squares.
This game is a 2 player game.
Invented in the year 2000.
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