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zcherryz is a Zillions-of-Games file. It is categorized as: Two dimensional, Large board. This item is located on a site outside of
zcherryz. Various decimal chess variants with extra pawns and conventional pieces.
'zcherryz' has 3 variant groups, 'zcherryz_001', (10 variants with 10 pawns a side), 'zcherryz_1', (10 variants with 14 pawns a side), and 'zcherryz_17tony', (4 variants with 18 pawns a side). All variants play with normal western chess pieces on a 10x10 board, with 15-21 attacking pieces a side. It allows you to have 2 bishops on the same colored square. <p>'zcherryz_001' with 10 pawns per side plays the fastest, after some pawn exchanges the board can become quite 'open' with lots of pieces around. 'zcherryz_1' i think might be my favorite, having 14 pawns seems to make the game play more solid. 'zcherryz_17tony' is more or less untested lol, but i am pretty sure it plays ok ha ha.
Other Information
The board used for this game has 10 row(s), 10 column(s), 100 cells/squares.
This game is a 2 player game.
Invented in the year 2004.
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