Enter Your Reply The Comment You're Replying To andy thomas wrote on Fri, Oct 28, 2005 03:09 AM UTC:ok... i like the idea of the artillery opposing the colonels on the diagonals... the thing with the pawns on the respective 3rd rather than 4th ranks... that is how the pawns originally were... i moved them up to the 4th in order to speed the game up...... as for the missiles... i'm happy with how they are... as someone else alluded, they add a real 'tension' to the game... another thought on this is that, although the missiles are very powerful, the pawns are such that building mutually supporting positions - defensible against missiles - is fairly easy... also, originally the game had 13 ranks and there were 2 'air force' pieces which precluded any missile from attacking within 3 squares of them.. that was the 'air force' piece's sole function... defense against missiles... i started to think that was too 'wargamish' and not 'like chess' so i took the 'air force' pieces out.... but then the missiles were way too deadly so i came up with the idea of the backline being a safe zone... the tension created by the missiles is a feature of the game...... i might go with - as larry suggested - the pawns on respective 3rd ranks and spread the artillery out onto the diagonals opposing the colonels... whether or not the pawns should be moved 'back,' the idea of the artillery spread out is good...... i kind of like the colonels being 'slow'... reminds me of their counterparts - horses - in xiangqi... from what testing i've done they tend to come into play toward the end of the game...... but all the same i have thought though of increasing the colonels to 3 squares instead of 2... but will have to think some more ... get more feedback ...on that ........ i definitely wanted to keep this variant short in playing time... thus wanted 50 turns to be fairly inconceivable... that's my main concern about moving the pawns back to 3rd rank... will it develop quickly enough in human/human?... one reason i want to 'force the issue' with this variant is because of the large numbers of pieces... 25 per side... i'm looking to make it 'unbalanced' quickly... that is why the promotions are so high..... i've played a little shogi and the 'easily unbalanced' was something i wanted to bring over at least in part from shogi...... it seemed like an 'american' idea too... kind of like 'go go go... hurry and finish this game so we can start another one'....... anyway, moving the pawns back... spreading the artillery... maybe it will still fit within 50 turns... also, i could dispense too with the turn limit altogether... i'm fairly certain most games would be done within 60+ moves, even with pawns at the 3rd ranks at the start... .......a bit more on the piece naming... if i didn't already mention about the colonels... it's because of the 'bird' ('full bird colonel') an american colonel is 'marked' with... the colonels in american chess 'jump' or 'fly' so i thought the colonel analogy apt... as for the 'tank brigades'... well i have always seen rooks/chariots in fide/xiangqi as 'armor' or 'tanks'... it's probably because i come from an avalon hill gaming background.. chess is fairly 'new' to me... so by adding the word 'brigade' in there i could take out the 'r' and notate the 'tanks' with that... same with the 'recon battalion'... added 'battalion' in so i could use the 'b' to denote them... since they are identical to their counterparts in 'FIDE' (?) chess i thought using the same letters would be a good idea... and 'colonel' came about also partly because of the 'n' in the word... i'm not sure how 'artillery' begets a 'c'... grins... but whilst playing xiangqi i'm always referring to the cannons as 'artillery'... it is just a coincidence that 'missile' has an 'm' and these are in similar position to 'ministers' in xiangqi... obviously the similarities for these pieces end at that... the 'soldiers' or 'privates' or 'pawns' of course are denoted with 'p' ... and 'generals' with 'q' because they are exactly as queens in 'fide'... anyway, thanks again larry and the rest of you for your feedback/help... Edit Form You may not post a new comment, because ItemID american chess does not match any item.