Enter Your Reply The Comment You're Replying To Rich Hutnik wrote on Fri, Dec 4, 2009 02:29 AM UTC:A few comments (I had been out of action trying to get a new laptop set up): 1. In regards to invention, I believe it is one of the strengths of the variant community, and provides both an outlet for designers and also a way for chess variants not to get boring. My concern with them is that each one ends up being its own path, and doesn't lend anything to the collective experience of playing variants, outside of just another game to play. I would like the experiences to be able to mingle among one another and for the variant design, in some framework, to enable one design to be built off of another, and that to continue to evolve, and what is learned to be able to be reused. Yes, we can do that to some extent now, but we have issues with naming conventions and the like, which make it more difficult. 1a. I have a vested interest in seeing the chess variant community produce champions at various games, which we could help use to promote variants. I speak from the perspective of a sports federation when I say this. And I write this also, in that I would like to see IAGO to be able to recognize and stand behind the conventions the variant community came up with for the pieces and the like. 2. Chess on a 12 by 12 board looks like Warmaster Chess 2000. Please let me know how it isn't the same. Here is word on Warmaster: http://blog.chess.com/RooksBailey/chess-crusade-warmaster-chess-and-no-chess 3. FastChess? We talking about a Speed/Blitz chess as the game in question? I am of the belief also (I say also if Speed/Blitz is what is meant by FastChess) the chess community is deciding to speed up the clock to solve all its ills. And it does resolve a lot of the issues it has, regarding openings, draws, and making the game more interesting to watch. Unless the variant community gets together and comes up with some way to showcase itself more to the world, and get interest, there is a definite interest in locking out the variant community, saying it doesn't bring anything to the table but distraction. I would rather not see that happen. 4. I don't believe you will get anything to replace 8x8 unless the physical boards become more readily available. That is how it works. And I wouldn't expect 9x9 to be it either, as that totally disrupts normal chess. It also brings back visions of the chess variant with 2 queens aside and the bishops on the same colors. Edit Form You may not post a new comment, because ItemID NextChess5 does not match any item.