Enter Your Reply The Comment You're Replying To George Duke wrote on Sat, Dec 19, 2009 04:17 PM UTC:Score: Mastodon > Unicorn Great > Big Board > Centennial > Eurasian > Black Ghost > Templar > Modern > Switching > Seirawan. http://www.chessvariants.org/index/displaycomment.php?commentid=24303 [http://www.chessvariants.org/index/displaycomment.php?commentid=23406 -- sorry, this number was by accident in completely random error, but leave it anyway to capture one forgotten prior state of affairs for relief at nearing halfway point...] 2 Queens, 3 Rooks, 4 Bishops, 5 Knights. Within the strict paradigm of those pieces alone, as Next Chess, Big Board may be as good as it gets, having good keen density on 10x10. Separate from the main-phase game-play, the preliminary set-up phase poses an entire unknown strategy -- that may outwit a program. For example, a Pawn set up in Rank 5 still has a nice two-step option once game-play commences. The set-up phase may be too time-consuming for maximum appreciation. There is also the similarity of Big Board to 'ECV' past CVs also randomizing by players' deliberate placements. Yet this looks awfully promising and would somehow be completely inadequate on old-style 8x8. Throwing caution to the winds, insert less-familiar dark horse Big Board with or above by a rank imperfect Centennial. Mastodon > Unicorn Great > Big Board > Centennial > Eurasian > Black Ghost > Templar > Modern > Switching > Seirawan. Edit Form You may not post a new comment, because ItemID NextChess7 does not match any item.