Check out Makruk (Thai Chess), our featured variant for March, 2025.

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George Duke wrote on Sat, Apr 17, 2010 03:22 PM UTC:
RNBQKBNR.  Middles Ages Knight's Leap perfectly matches the Contingency
Pawn since Knight has the only standard leap; if one attacks, King easily
takes Knight.  That would be either K x d3 or K x f3.  Then at once Pawn
e2-e4 becomes belated possibility, and King is unhurt within palace
protection potential by stepping to e3 or e2 behind the dilatory but
effective e-Pawn  -- 'e' for effective. So Contingency Pawn brings but
little baggage: Knight's Leap and the Rank Obligation. Player faces all
nine situations in stages progressive: all eight Pawns inert in starting
array; seven inert one activated; six two; five three; four four; three
five; two six; one seven; and all eight mobilizable. They are of course not at any time compelled to move or capture, but gain the capability upon each Piece behind her exiting.  In interims, one or several Pawns may be haplessly captured before moved or moveable. Thus capture and move ability are coterminus and inseparable, triggered by the Piece. One by one by one whilst so long as Piece has his matching Pawn fronting him, as Chess is played.  Piece moves once, then Pawn is free at last and once. The only inconvenience keeping track is infrequent return of Piece when Pawn remains free upon the pre-existing contingency. Pawns inert at first are counter-intuitive and chilling but necessary, and otherwise paired Pieces would openly face each other down such as crazy opening '1 R a1 x a8'.  No way. The initial passive Pawn rows are vital extravagance, employing neither drops nor so-called ''gating'' from outside, as best way later to enter the fray, present hidden force the Pawns herself. Pawns will achieve more respect as their strength grows -- referring now to the RANK OBLIGATION, which progresses Rank Two to Rank Three to Rank Four. Pawn naturally slides unimpeded to the final rank and promotion, when the way is thoroughly clear. For example, 'd4-d8
promotes to Queen' implies d5, d6 and d7 vacant, having neither sides
Pieces or Pawns in occupation. This promotion sometimes even occurs in the two minimal efficient 
steps only, like 'h2-h4' then 'h4-h8'.  More mutation, than promotion that would be. Or evolution as retribution. [Deservedly off-subject ill-effect analogy: as some ''evolved'' ''homo sapiens economicus stupidus'' or whoever now destroys in our very little lifetime species and ecologies along with the incidental weather, and it is rude taboo even mentioning the biggest events since the dinosaur extraterrestrial impact in quite some time.]

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