Enter Your Reply The Comment You're Replying To 🕸Fergus Duniho wrote on Sat, Dec 30, 2023 09:25 PM UTC:@HGMuller I have made more progress toward making this display properly with grid. I put all the grid code in a container query for the wrapper div. So, when it's not wide enough, it just displays everything as block elements. The problem is that when it does display as a grid, children elements of the idiagram are also displaying as grids, because they are set to display: inherit, and this is messing up how some of them look. In particular, the bar with the control buttons is displaying as a single column. I have tried some things, but nothing I've tried is getting it to display properly without stopping the main grid from working. Edit Form You may not post a new comment, because ItemID MShannibalchesswithgryphonandfalcon does not match any item.