Check out Makruk (Thai Chess), our featured variant for March, 2025.

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H. G. Muller wrote on Fri, May 10, 2024 06:40 AM UTC:

Is it known in advance which King is royal, or is this hidden too? Can the royal King have any charge?

What happens when your royal King gets captured, or destroys itself in the attempt to capture on a square with an unfavorable field? It seems that moving your royal King to a square with a field where the capturing piece would disappear makes it immune to check or checkmate.

Charges and fields are only revealed when a capture is attempted?

Rules like this tend to make a game very hard for humans, while it would stay easy for computers (which have perfect and practically unlimited memory). To keep revealed field invisible would only lead to cheating in on-line play, where peuple can write them down. In over-the-board play it would raise the problem of how to make the initial assignment without the players knowing it. A straightforward method would be to cover all squares with tiles that have the field written on the bottom. The game would be a lot more user-friendly if tiles would remain flipped after having been revealed. People  that like memory games probably would prefer to play blindfold chess.

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