Check out Balbo's Chess, our featured variant for October, 2024.

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HaruN Y wrote on Sun, Jul 7 09:02 AM UTC in reply to Fergus Duniho from Mon Jun 3 01:52 AM:

If I may add there's also ChessCraft which meets the requirements of programmed online play, has a computer opponent (albeit weak).

Politique 2.0 did a long test against different chess bots, Chesscraft AI 7 is around 1300 ELO

But only when it tested the board at least 3 times

Else he gets around 1000 elo

Here's his best game won with his highest opponent:

u_ndefined on 06/05/2023 sent a message which is a compilation of (most) variants from imported to ChessCraft:

Alapo: 2S4U

Alley Chess: 2ZM2

Almost Chess: EBK

Sort of Almost Chess: 2RA1 and 2RA2

Arch-Chancellor Chess: 2SAE

Argess: 2QS8

Ascension: H6G

Berolina Chess*: 2QP3

Bird's Chess*: 2VRS

Bird's Shatranj*: 2VRX

Capablanca Chess*: 2VQY (recreated slightly better than other implementations)

Capablanca Shatranj*: 2VR0

Centaur Chess: centaur1

Chancellor Chess: 2VRY

Modern Chancellor Chess: 2VS8

Chigorin Chess: VR

Chimera Chess: EJ0

Coregal Chess: 2QS6

Diana: 2VRJ

Dipole Chess: 1T9

Douglas Modern Chess: 30I4

Dunsany's Chess: 2S8J

Enep: VQ

Espionage Chess: 2S4K

Fianchetto Chess: 2XJD

Formation Chess: 2ZM3

Gardner's MiniChess: 2VRK

Grotesque Chess*: 2VTD

Grotesque Shatranj*: 2VTG

Half Chess: 3142

Haven Chess: 30J8

Horde variant: 2TE3

Hyperabad Decimal Chess: 43G

Interior Chess: 30LD

Janus Chess: 2RCY

Janus Shatranj: 2VRI

Knightmate: 9R

Ladorean Chess*: 2WC8

Ladorean Shatranj*: 2WC9

Legan's Game: 2TE4

Los Alamos Chess: 2TNX

King of the Hill: 2TNZ

Kingsmen: EQ7

Maharajah and the Sepoys: EFB

Super Maharadscha: 2VR4

Tiger Hunt: 2S8K and 2SAD

Makruk / Thai Chess: 2RGX

Microchess-56: 2ZM4

Modern Carrera's Chess: 2WCB

Near Chess: 2RGJ

Near vs Normal: 2WCC and 2WCD

New Chancellor's Chess: 2VRR

New Chancellor Shatranj: 2VRU

Omega Chess: 2WCK

Orda Chess: 2QNW

Orda Mirror: 2RA3

Paulovits' Game*: 2S4Z

Peasant's Revolt: 319M and 319N

Periphery Chess**: 30IZ

Platonic Chess: FYB

Rooksquare Chess: 2ZM1

Schoolbook*: 2VTH

Schoolbook Shatranj*: 2VTI

Skirmish56 Chess: 30RV

Shako: LDW

The Bridge41: 314A

The Consuls: G3H

The Arena: H59

Turkish Great Chess: 2RCS

Modern Turkish Great Chess: 2RCU

Tutti-Frutti Chess: 2R9X

Victorian Chess: EPR

* this variant almost works

** bugged!

ChessCraft ID URL copy-pasting for convenience:

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