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🕸Fergus Duniho wrote on Wed, Sep 11 05:04 PM UTC in reply to Fergus Duniho from Wed Aug 14 05:21 PM:

I recently fixed my old computer. All that was wrong with it was the power button, which I replaced with an OwlTree external power button. The product page now includes my review of it with some photographs. I now have both computers set up so that I can use either one. Both plug into the same monitor through different ports, and if I have both on, I can just switch between DVI and DisplayPort to choose which computer to use. I used an audio splitter to send the audio from either computer to my speakers. I bought a second ethernet cable to plug into my router, and I dug out a spare keyboard and mouse so that I can just turn on either computer without switching peripherals around.

The main advantages of continuing to use my older computer are that it handles some games I play better, it has all the fonts I previously installed on it, and I don't have to worry about it running Recall in the background. The main advantages of the newer computer are that it starts up faster, and Microsoft will be supporting it longer than my Windows 10 computer. But when Microsoft drops its support for Windows 10, I may continue to get security updates for it with 0patch.

Here is a screenshot I took showing some reports on its specs:

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Block quote

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A third definition.
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The definition of that term.