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gnohmon wrote on Wed, Jul 3, 2002 06:24 AM UTC:
I think that pasgl312 will be very hard to play. At least, my own attempts
to play a game against myself have all ended after just a few moves with
confused positions where i really didn't understand what was going on or
what strategy would be appropriate.

In designing this game, I first thought about what critters and features of
the real pasgl312 I wanted to have in the game, and then I determined the
major characteristics of each piece according to the nature of the
real-life critter as best I could; and then for several days I thought
about individual interactions one-on-one between the pieces. The result is,
as far as I can tell, that no piece is overly dominant.

This means that there is a skunk strategy and a woodchuck strategy and a
deer strategy and even a chipmunk strategy (because of multiple occupancy,
you can advance the shrew from c2 to g6 to h7 to g8, and get a chipmunk;
it's very hard to stop! But it takes a few moves, so what is the enemy
doing while you do this?)

Yes, the Fox strategy is designed into the game. If you can eat all the
medium/small critters (oops, actually there aren't any small, are there?)
then the large critters lack support. A combined Woodchuck+Fox attack is a
nice idea. By design, the Woodchuck aims at awkward squares, and by design
you may have trouble implementing this strategy.

Because I designed primarily for the theme, there are lots and lots of
rules. Because I thought so hard about the one-on-one interactions, every
strategy i think of has a counterstrategy. 

I do not think that I will ever be very good at this game; on the other
hand, when i used to play my own games competitively, the games i played
poorly were usually more popular than the ones I could win -- people got a
kick out of beating the game's inventor, I guess.

I think i could play Nemoroth pretty well. 

I hope to see somebody play pasgl312 well. I will admire and applaud.

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