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SELECT * FROM `Item` LEFT JOIN `IndexEntry` USING (ItemID) WHERE `Type` = 'Publication' AND `IsHidden` = 0 AND `Item`.`IsDeleted` = 0 AND `Language` = 'English' ORDER BY `LinkText`, `Item`.`Summary` ASC LIMIT 500 OFFSET 0
100 other games to play on a chessboard. Out of print book describing 100 games playable on a chessboard. Author: Stephen Addison.
100 Squares for Chess and Damante
. Small book describing some decimal variants. By Vernon Rylands Parton.
Abbott's New Card Games (book information). Information on a book describing Ultima, and eight card games. By Robert Abbott.
Abstract Games. Magazine covering various abstract games.
Abstract Games Magazine. Missing description
Across the Board : The Mathematics of Chessboard Problems. Short information on book of J. Watkins, with puzzles about the chessboard.
Bibliografia scacchistica, annotata. Missing description Author: Mario Velucchi.
Board and Table Games (From Many Civilizations). Missing description Author: R. C. Bell.
Books on Kriegspiel. Missing description Author: David Li.
Chancellor Chess (Book). Missing description Author: Ben R. Foster.
Chess Eccentricities. An old book on Chess variants from 1885. Author: George Hope Verney.
CHESS Eccentricities, By Major George Hope Verney. Images from the book (complete). Author: George Hope Verney.
Chess History and Reminiscences. Project Gutenberg eBook version of this public domain book (large!). Author: H. E. Bird.
Chess Variant Score Notation Book. Chess score notation book for 100 square chess variants. By Simon Edward Jepps.
Chess Variants, 50 variants on the game of chess. Information on a book. Author: Adrey Caljé.
Chess Variations: Ancient, Regional, and Modern. Book that describes a variety of chess variants. Author: John Gollon.
Chesshire-Cat Playeth Looking-Glass Chessys
. A pamphlet describing several fanciful chess variants. By Vernon Rylands Parton.
Chesshire-Cat Playeth Looking-Glass Chessys, Part 2
. 2nd part of a pamphlet describing several fanciful chess variants. By Vernon Rylands Parton.
Chessical Cubism or Chess in Space
. Pamphlet describing 3 dimensional chess ideas. By Vernon Rylands Parton.
Chessnuts 1999. Chessnuts is the newsletter of the Circular Chess Society. This is the 1999 issue. Author: Rob Stevens.
Chinese Chess. Information on book on Xiangqi. Author: H. T. Lau.
Chinese Chess for Beginners. Missing description
Circular Chess World Championship 2000. Article from Variant Chess. Author: John Beasley.
The Classified Encyclopedia of Chess Variants. Second edition of the Encyclopedia of Chess Variants, now arranged by category. Author: David B. Pritchard and John Beasley.
Curiouser and Curiouser
. A pamphlet describing several fanciful chess variants. By Vernon Rylands Parton.
Een paard voor een koninkrijk. Missing description Author: Wim van der Kolk.
Encyclopedia of Chess Variants. Book that documents a wide variety of chess variants. Author: David B. Pritchard.
Encyclopedia of Chess Variants. A review. Author: Philip M. Cohen.
First Syllabus on Xiangqi - Chinese Chess 1. Missing description Author: David Li.
Five Classics of Fairy Chess. Missing description Author: T. R. Dawson.
Four-handed Chess by Capt. George Hope Verney. Missing description Author: George Hope Verney.
French books on chess variants. Missing description Author: Joseph Boyer.
Games ancient and oriental and how to play them. Missing description Author: Edward Falkener.
Guide des echecs exotiques & insolites. A review. Author: K. B.A. Bodlaender.
Guide des échecs exotiques et insolites. French book describing many variants of chess. Author: Jean-Louis Cazaux.
A Guide to Fairy Chess. Book first published in 1967. Author: Anthony Dickins.
Hierarchical Chess. Article from Variant Chess, August 2004. Author: John Beasley.
A History of Chess. In depth reference book on the history of chess. Author: H.J.R. Murray.
How to Play Shogi. A book on Japanese chess, Shogi.
The Japanese Heroes' Game. Missing description Author: L. U. Kisljuk.
Jetan: The Martian Chess of Edgar Rice Burroughs. Book about jetan. (10x10, Cells: 100) By Fredrik Ekman.
L'univers des Echecs. Rules and background on a number of variations of chess. Author: Jean-Louis Cazaux.
Lotus Chess: the Book. A hardcopy printout of the four main files dealing with Lotus Chess.
Mastering Chechmates, by Neil McDonald. A review of a book. Author: Hans L. Bodlaender.
Mazes for the Mind. Missing description Author: C. Pickover.
Meta-Chess. Missing description Author: John William Brown.
Meta-Chess. Table of Contents and Preface. Author: John William Brown.
Meta-chess Digital Edition. Digital Copy of 'Meta-chess' by John W Brown. Author: Sean Bass and John William Brown.
Neue Chess. Missing description
New Rules for Classic Games. Missing description Author: R. Wayne Schmittberger.
New Rules for Classic Games. A review. Author: Hans L. Bodlaender.
Phylogenetic analyses of chess variants. Papers describing phylogenetic analyses of chess variants. Author: Lex Kraaijeveld.
Popular Chess Variants. Missing description Author: David B. Pritchard.
Popular Chess Variants. A review. Author: Hans L. Bodlaender.
Probleemblad - Nederlandse Bond van Schaakprobleemvrienden. Information on the Dutch chess problems organization and their journal. Author: Hans L. Bodlaender.
Reform chess. Book on chess on smaller boards with many training positions. Author: Laszlo Polgar.
Review: 303 Tactical Chess Puzzles. Book of Fred Wilson and Bruce Alberston to train chess combination skills. Author: Hans L. Bodlaender.
Review: Encyclopedia of Chess Variants. A review. Author: Philip M. Cohen.
Review: Guide des echecs exotiques & insolites. Review of French book about Chess variants. Author: K. B.A. Bodlaender.
Review: New Rules for Classic Games. A review. Author: Hans L. Bodlaender.
Review: Popular Chess Variants. A review. Author: Hans L. Bodlaender.
Review: Sammy Seahorse Teaches Chess. A review. Author: Hans L. Bodlaender.
Review: White and Black from Brown - A Selection of 168 Diagrams. Review of book of fairy chess problems. Author: Ben Good.
Review: Winning Chess - Tactics and Strategies. Review of a Chess book. Author: Hans L. Bodlaender.
Review: Winning Chess Piece by Piece. Review of a Chess book for children. Author: Hans L. Bodlaender.
Rules for historic Shogi variants. Missing description Author: George F. Hodges.
Sammy Seahorse Teaches Chess. A review. Author: Hans L. Bodlaender.
Schach mal anders. German booklet describing several different chess variants.
Strategems. Chess problem magazine. Author: Ben Good.
StrateGems. Chess problem magazine. Author: Ben Good.
Superchess by Lim Ther Peng. Information on a book on a large chess variant. Inventor: Lim Ther Peng.
Superschaak. Book and sets for playing variants with many new types of chess pieces. Author: Hans L. Bodlaender. Inventor: Henk van Haeringen.
The Grünfeld Defence Revealed: book review. A book on a chess opening by International Master Michael Khordarkovsky. Author: Hans L. Bodlaender.
Tony Miles: It's Only Me - England's First Chess Grandmaster. Review of book on chess grandmaster Tony Miles.
Unbalanced Games. Article from Variant Chess. Author: John Beasley.
The Universe of Chess. Rules and background on a number of variations of chess. Author: Jean-Louis Cazaux.
Variant Chess. Journal of the British Chess Variant Society.
Variant Chess magazine. Missing description
Variant Chess news vol 1 no 1
. Missing description Author: Michael Jameson.
Variant Chess, August 2004. Article on Hierarchical Chess. Author: John Beasley.
Variant Chess, Autumn 2000. Missing description
Variant Chess, Autumn 2001. Missing description
Variant Chess, New Year 2002. Excerpts from the New Year 2002 issue.
Variant Chess, Spring 2001. Missing description
White and Black from Brown - A Selection of 168 Diagrams. A review of the book. Author: Ben Good.
Winning Chess - Tactics and Strategies. A review. Author: Hans L. Bodlaender.
Winning Chess Piece by Piece - A review. Review of a Chess book for children. Author: Hans L. Bodlaender.
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