Comments by BobGreenwade
This also does seem to have a habit of sporadically skipping pieces on the list; for example, it can go directly from Alfil to Bison, skipping the Camel, Zebra, Giraffe, Antelope, Wildebeest, and Okapi. Then it skips the Jackal, but includes the Kirin and Phoenix, then skips Frog, Kangaroo, Squirrel, Cheetah, Sabretooth, and Raccoon to go straight to the Aurochs and Hawk, then skips the Mammoth, Bongo, Rabbit, and Owl to get to the Pussycat... you get the idea.
It's not all of the time, either. Sometimes the full list shows up; but when it does, sometimes the move preview doesn't work. And the list of extras is sometimes there, sometimes not.
Addendum: I'll go add the debug code this afternoon, and try to see what's going on.
Addendum #2: What the skipped pieces all have in common is that I don't specify the filename in the listing; even the orthodox pieces are skipped until later (as I hadn't noticed before). The ones that are listed earlier, don't show up later. If I add the piece filenames, then all should be fine; I hope there's a quicker way to that, though.
By the way, I personally have used for a good number of things when my own printer isn't up to snuff (for any reason). It's a little more expensive with smaller jobs -- I test-uploaded a Queen from my collection, and a single one is $14.90, which is close to Musketeer's price -- but it's much cheaper on a per-piece basis if you have several in one STL file.
(I'm in the process of making a test set with a large group; it's taking a while to compile. I'll let you know the result after it happens.)
Update: I made the mistake before of trying to do a full set from a 48-piece game; that's why it was taking so long. I switched to just a 16-piece orthodox set, and it took only a couple of minutes. The estimate for 16 pieces in one build comes to $77.90 (and I could probably bring that down a tad by arranging the pieces a little more tightly in the layout). That's just under $4.87 per piece.
Brief grammatical note: dice is plural; die is singular.
Otherwise, at first glance, it looks like an interesting game.
A couple of questions, though. First, when moving a die, in what order do things happen? I'd assume that the player declares the move, pointing to where the die will move to, and then rolls it and puts it in its new place. It might also be possible to have a spare die on the side, so the player moves the die on the board, then rolls the side one and turns the moved one to match.
Second, how does one get that very cool-looking equipment???
The same source where I grabbed that Mushroom image also had Sausage, Meatball, and Pepperoni, but I didn't grab those three because I had no idea what to do with them. Now I do, so I'll be adding them soon. Thanks for bringing this game to my attention (even if it wasn't entirely intentional)!
And thank you for being the first to make use of my icon clearinghouse! :)
How does the Onion, the Garlic, & the Anchovy moves?
Just offhand (others may have better ideas):
- Onion: WhrNAhlC
- Garlic: FZCH
- Anchovy: mvW2cF (essentially an extension of the Fish Pawn)
(If anything, Bob is not an editor; he will evaluate it, but he will not be able to publish it: he is a person like you and me, only the editors are more willing to check his versions; so we wait
by the sea for the weather)
(With thanks to Bing Translate)
Lev is correct (except perhaps for the part about the editors being more willing to check my versions). The editors have a particular icon next to their names to identify them as such.
I've put the Meatball, Pepperoni, and Sausage into the collection now. I have no idea why they're not showing up in the list (at least, on my computer), but they're there.
My name suggestion: Die-Pawn Chess.
91. Thaumaturge. After working for a bit with the Wizard (FC) and Sorcerer (WZ), I wondered what a piece would be like that combined the two. The result was the Thaumaturge. Given that it's also a compound of Guard and Bison, this probably isn't the last time you'll see a piece from me with this move combo; eventually I'll be posting a Bison-based QBRM set. (KCZ)
The piece itself is basically just the Sorcerer design with the Wizard's traditional crescent moon on top.
I think that this would also be a good piece for Lev Grigoriev's Magician. I may make a Magician piece at some point in the future, based on the Magician icon I created for my icon cleearinghouse, but this one would (in my opinion) still be better for Lev's game.
Sorry I couldn't be of better help, then. I'll see if I can't revisit the idea at a later time.
First, in my Thingiverse collection I've changed the King Cheetah (#87) to a Pronghorn, as suggested.
The King Cheetah is still there as an alternate, but I'm primarily making this piece the Pronghorn.
As for its companion....
91. Kudu. The kudu is a pair of antelope species (greater and lesser, so named for their relative size) native to eastern and southern Africa. They have thin white stripes on their otherwise brown fur, making them good representatives of a piece that compounds the Antelope and the Zebra. (ZNY)
Another way of looking at it is as an Impala on steroids! But for the physical piece, not so much....
I only noticed this moment that I neglected to include the animal's distinctive corkscrew-shaped horns, but that's not super important; just assume that this is a female.
The general appearance and behavior of the Icon Clearinghouse is now basically where I want it. I kind of wish it was possible to put headers in there to separate them by type, but I can understand why that might be impractical.
The only thing stopping me from putting it into the main part of the page is how the editor tends to screw up these things when something is edited in WYSIWIG, and this is a page where I'll be doing that rather frequently (though not as frequently as I was before I put the IC together).
There are a few pieces in the lower part (the "unassigned" ones) that piqued my curiosity, but I couldn't find any further information on them. I'd appreciate anything people can tell me about them -- especially how they're supposed to move! In descending order of my level of curiosity:
- Moose Pawn
- Unipawn
- Shield Archer
- O Magnifier (and related pieces)
- Carronade
- Winged Cardinal
- Hydra
- Midbrother
- Buzy King
Quite correct. I don't know why I was thinking ZYZ.
Thanks for looking, Bn Em. That Hydra in MM is pretty unusable in trying to build moves for an Interactive Diagram type of chart, but it's interesting nonetheless. Maybe some other game has a more easily-diagrammed Hydra.
And yes, the Raptor and the WC do appear to be by the same maker using the same base icon.
It may be that the Shield Archer is just an Archer that renders adjacent friendly pieces uncapturable, like a Shield.
Diagrams would definitely be helpful, in particular an actual setup diagram.
Thanks, Haru! The only ones that seem readily translatable into XBetza are the Complete Permutation Winged Cardinal, and (with some effort) the Carronade.
I think I'll go my own way with the Moose Pawn and Shield Archer.
You've been quite helpful!
93. Dove. In his game Dovecote Chess, Lev Grigoriev gives us this piece, with a quite interesting combination of moves.
The Dove moves one space forward diagonally; leaps two or three spaces directly forward or backward; leaps three spaces diagonally forward; leaps two spaces diagonally backward; or makes (1,2) leaps sideways and backward. (vDvHfGbAbsN)
For a symbol of peace, that's one mean bird! Lev uses it for a Queen in his game, and it could also be an interesting Queen stand-in for a CWDA army.
Could the ID be set up to show a piece's spells and/or properties? Perhaps a bit of text (say, black against a pale yellow-orange [FFC950] background) for a spell, or against a pale magenta [FF94FF] for properties such as royal, iron, contageous, etc., appearing either just above or (more likely) just below the board. (Or maybe that magenta just for royal, and other colors for other properties.)
I was perusing this for ideas for representing 3D movement* when I saw the discussion of the P atom. I support this, but I'm still wondering about the Berolina. Would yP2 do the trick? Could sP2 denote something like the Shield Pawn, which captures sideways instead of diagonally? Or bP my Anti-Pawn, which starts at the top of the board and moves backwards? (The latter two are just idle thoughts.)
*The best I can come up with so far is to use t to "turn" the board on the Y-axis, so the ranks become levels, or tt to turn it on the X-axis, so the files become levels. The board can become leveled again (if needed) by repeating the most recent one used, or with ttt. It's not a very good idea IMO, but it's the best so far. (Close behind is using the carat [^] instead of t.)
As a bonus, since today is World Okapi Day, I give you Okapi Chess!
(I might make an actual page for this once I'm able. Unless, of course, someone's already done something like this; then this is just an okapi copy.)
The Joyful one (the Musketeer one is an easy call).
94. Chef. This is an alternate Royal piece that I came up with more or less by accident. There are many pieces named for food -- not just the Mushroom, Sausage, Pepperoni, and Meatballs of the Pizza Kings, the Rutabaga and Rhubarb from the Nattering Nabobs of Negativity, or certain Betza inventions such as the Pancake. I've had this thought (which I'll act on as soon as I'm able) of a game where all the pieces are food, and so what better to have for the King than a Chef?
Since a chef moves along a counter all day, I figured the piece be adept at moving sideways, but not so much forwards and backwards. I therefore replaced the direct forward and backward moves with an additional space sideways. It still can move forward or backwards diagonally. (FsW2)
The Chef might also be usable as a non-Royal piece, particularly in a low-powered Shogi-style game.
Well, maybe not if it looks like that. But you get the idea.
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With the addition of those four lines (your three plus
) I got it working almost perfectly. The only issue now is that the list at the end includes all the pieces, along with the default moves for established ones. But at least now people can see the whole collection! I'll feel OK putting what I have onto the main page (notwithstanding the page editor's tendency to screw up these things in WYSIWIG mode).