Comments by CharlesGilman

I am hesitant to criticise a variant by one of the Polgar family, but a talent for playing on square-cell boards does not necessarily imply one for designing games for hex ones. This does look very muvch like a game by someone who has not made a great study of hex variants, as it addresses several issues of the hex board less well than variants on these pages do.
A severely bound Rookranker is really a very poor analogue to the Rook. A better piece to complement the Rookfiler here (or the Rookranker in the Wellisch orientation) would be the Moorhen - a hex piece moving straight forward/backward/left/right regardless of which two are orthogonal and which hex-diagonal. This is bound to alternate files here and alternate ranks on Wellisch boards. However it would then be logical for the Queen analogue to also include the straight sideways directions. As regards subdividing of just Rook directions, my own approach to this in Altorth Hex Chess avoided severe bindings and was also Migrant-based.
It is also odd that Migrants line up with their own edge of the board rather than - as in Glinsky's game - the far edge to which they are aiming. It would make more sense on a star-shaped board to arrange a row of Pawn analogues with the middle one furthest back rather than further forward, as in my own Flatstar. At first I thought that a 37-cell might be too small for that, but it could be done with six spaces behind to fill, in two blocks of three - rather than a single back row of five. Ther weakest piece would be doubled in number - the Rookfiler in the case of Mr. Polgar's own choice of pieces. The array prior to placing the back pieces would be (excuse the crude colouring):

Now that I think about it I haven't devised names for pieces moving at least two staps along one kind of radial and at most two along another, but I can see that they are interesting pieces. Pieces that could be seen as Mansion+Ferz and Dean+Wazir are intermediate between the Mansion and Dean and corresponnding enhancements of full linepieces such as the Infanta and Inquisitor - whicvh could be seen as Mansion+Wazir and Dean+Ferz. If this inspires any ideas for names I would be interested to hear them.
I've just been having a think about this and it occurs to me that you've come up with a huge family of new pieces that can move n or fewer moves as one linepiece and n or more as another. Another family can move n or fewer as one and n+1 or more as the other. In both cases I have already given those with n=1 distinctive names. I am adding ones with n>1 by use of suitable prefixes.

Well most of my Quadruple Besiege variants have at least twice as many pieces with a Rook move, so that will help Checkmate to happen. Remember that the minimum to Checkmate on a board with edges is a Rook plus one's own King, so an extra Rook to effect a virtual edge should allow the same on this board. The geometry is not quite Moebius, it's a bit more complex than that. A single orthogonal step across a horizontal join appears as a 10:9 leap. Bishops really are colourbound and, as I say in the text, each visible 10-cell diagonal loops round dircetly on itself.

The point is that the Huntsman and Hawksman are defined on a corner orientation. In this context the forward diagonal is toward the opponent's corner and the backward one toward one's own corner. The directions at right angles to these I term sideways diagonals. There are also two forward and two backward orthogonals in this orientation. Thus to sum up the differences between linepieces with 5-6 directions they divide into: Goldrider (face-to-face) - 4 orthogonal and 2 diagonal; Goldrider (corner) - 4 orthogonal and 1 diagonal; Silverider (face-to-face) - 4 diagonal and 1 orthogonal; Silverider (corner) - 4 diagonal and 2 orthogonal; Huntress and Hawkress (face-to-face) - 3 orthogonal and 2 diagonal; Huntsman and Hawksman (corner) - 3 diagonal and 2 orthogonal. Would diagrams help? If so I will endeavour to add them when I have more time.

None of this page's long-range pieces are switching. The Rhino's first three destinations are those of the Wazir, Knight, and Camel. Knight plus Camel equals famously triangulating Gnu. Likewise the even destinations (exactly as with the Mirror Rhino) are destination of the Nightrider - a straight linepiece like the Bishop and Rook and so able to make two moves in the same direction and return in a single move the same length as the two together. Indeed not even a Waverer, a Rhino restricted to moves of odd numbers of steps, is switching as a Camel move can be reversed in four Wazir ones. Nor is a Feverer, a Mirror Rhino so restricted, as a Ferz move can be reversed in two Zebra ones. It may be more difficult when what I am for short calling Camel/Zebra moves are stepping ones here, but it is posible.

I would grateful if some editor could make the correction - and correct 'aranged' to 'arranged' while we're at it.
As I understand it there were royal and non-royal caliphs, just as there are royal and non-royal governors. Caliph has the advantages that it can be extrapolated, giving along with Bishop+Knight=Cardinal names for all Bishop compounds with all coprime oblique leapers. Thus Zebra gives Zerdinal, Giraffe Girdinal, Antelope Nardinal, Zemel Zeliph, Satyr Sardinal, Gimel Giliph, Rector Rerdinal... If anyone can think of a better alternative that can be extrapolated as obviously I'm eager to know it. Likewise for the Rook compounds Canvasser gives Rook+Zemel=Zenvasser, rook+Gimel=Ginvasser...

(i) Yes, Rook+Arrow I term a SPARROW. This piece does not turn up here as the Arrow is neither a Shogi nor a Xiang piece.
(ii) Wazir+Dabbaba+Cross I term GOLDWAZBABA - Wazbaba is the same piece without the Cross move, just as Fearful is the Silverfearful without the Point move. The nearest name I use to Goldfearful is GOLDFEARLESS for Wazir+Cross+Tusk, Fearless being the FO form of the plain Fearful.
(ii) Yes, but not on this board. On a corner-orientation square board a Supercross would be a Ferz minus the move directly toward the player's own corner. On a face-to-face cubic board it would make the four forward Ferz moves plus the four same-rank ones.

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