Comments by ChessShogi
Whenever I search for something authored by me in Games for Game Courier using the letter index at the top, it doesn't show up the first time. When I go to another page and back, my pages show up as normal. It's very strange. Any idea as to what might be causing this?
One question. Let's say a Lion, Horned Falcon, or Soaring Eagle skips a turn inside its promotion zone (They are the only promotable pieces with this ability). Would that piece be allowed to promote after doing this?
In my rule-enforcing preset for this game, promoting a piece after it skips a turn is currently disallowed. This is because the preset is based on my rule-enforcing preset for Suzumu Shogi (a game which explicitly prohibits promoting after skipping a turn). However, historical sources (which are already terse and/or incomplete) do not elaborate on this particular situation as far as I know. Should I remove the code disallowing promotion after skipping a turn?
I completely forgot that the promotion rule was different. I'll get to fixing that right away.
The rule-enforcing preset now properly enforces promotion rules.
I also agree that Tenjiku Shogi's promotion rule should be the same as that of Chu Shogi. But for Lions, Horned Falcons, and Soaring Eagles, these rules are a bit vague. Of course, Chu Shogi is of no use to us here since these pieces don't promote in that game. So I decided to follow H. G. Muller's interpretation, which makes the most sense in my opinion.
In his interpretation of the first rule, the piece must start its move outside the promotion zone and end its move inside it. If a piece moves multiple times, the intermediate square(s) would not be considered since the piece did not start or end its move there.
In his interpretation of the second rule, the piece must start in the promotion zone and capture something with its move. It's well established at this point that a capture is any move that removes an enemy piece from the board. This presumably means that if a piece makes a capture on its first step and a non-capture on its second, this would still count as a capture since the piece captured something.
Now let's consider the effects of this interpretation on these scenarios suggested by dax00:
- A Lion that enters the promotion zone on a non-capture and then exits the zone while capturing a piece should be able to promote
- An unpromoted piece that starts in the promotion zone, captures a piece in the promotion zone on its first step, and makes a non-capture on its second step should not be allowed to promote
The first scenario is flawed because it breaks both rules. The Lion did not enter the promotion zone - both its starting square and its destination square are outside of it. This makes the capture on the Lion's second step meaningless.
The second scenario is flawed because it meets the criteria in the second rule. The piece started its move inside the promotion zone and captured something on the way to its destination, so it has the option of promoting on that turn.
I also made a rule-enforcing preset for Nutty Shogi.
You can find it here:
I wonder how you made Tiles-1 and Tiles-2 Shogi Pieces?
I am nearly finished making a Game Courier preset that enforces the rules of this game and displays legal moves. However, the Lion trading rules haven't been implemented yet because they are giving me some problems. Any ideas on how to solve this?
You can find the preset here:
Everything should be in order apart from the restrictions against indirect trading of Lions (and the repetition rules, which i won't implement because it's way too complex). All I really did was copy the Tenjiku Shogi preset's code to this preset and modified the code to suit the needs of the Chu Shogi preset.
The preset has been posted, and everything seems to be working properly.
You can find it here:
The new file upload script is way better than what it was in the past, but whenever I try to delete an old image and upload a different image with the same name, the old image reappears instead.
The new AI is pretty impressive. But I must ask you something. As far as I know, there is no easy way to skip a turn with a multi-move piece has this ability. Can this be implemented?
It may be rare that you would skip a turn in a Shogi variant, but there are those instances where that is useful.
If you were to implement such a feature, I would suggest keeping the deselection of pieces the same, but having the squares where locust captures are possible trigger the 2nd leg code even when those squares are empty. However, it's important to differentiate between multi-moves that can br triggered by moving to an empty square and those that can only be triggered by capturing (i.e. the Lion's lion power vs. the Heavenly Tetrarch's igui move).
Is there a way to have a piece jump 4 squares diagonally? As it is now, the diagram doesn't appear to have that option as a single move/atom.
I think adding the Y extension and repeatable suffixes is a good idea. It might also be a good idea to allow the X and Y extensions to be combined in case there is a leap that one extension cannot simplify on its own. It may not be a perfect solution, but it should be good enough to suit the needs of most variants.
I have one question about the rules regarding check. A few sources (i.e. the English Wikipedia page on Shogi) mention a rule against perpetual check, namely making perpetual check four times, or something similar. Yet most of the sources I found do not mention such a rule. So is this supposed rule against perpetual check really a thing?
The modifier x does not seem to work when used on a final leg, at least when it comes to highlighting a selected piece's moves. For example, when I give a piece the move xK and press its name to show its moves, it will show red capture moves, but that's it.
There might not be much to show on an empty board, but xK does not show move highlights when actually moving pieces on the board.
I'm glad you got the move borrowing fixed, but there is one small problem. When a piece borrows from another piece that has a borrowing move in the same vector as the vector that the piece is using to borrow the move from, the diagram takes unusually long to render the move when the piece is selected and gets stuck in a frozen position when you try to move it.
For example, lets say that a piece with the move RbxW is directly behind a piece with the move sRfR2bxW. Notice that both have the bxW for borrowing moves. If I click the piece in front and then try to move it, the diagram will freeze.
I think what is happening is that when a piece with x on a final leg borrows a move, it always borrows all the moves of the piece it's borrow from, including borrowing moves. Since the pieces in the example above have the same borrowing move (bxW), when the piece in front borrows the move of the piece in the back, the diagram will generate that move on top of the original, but since the borrowed move included the same borrowing move as the original move and neither piece had moved, the diagram will repeat this procedure over and over, resulting in an infinite loop.
Fortunately, the fix for this little problem is simple. Either don't include any move with x on a final leg when adding the borrowed move to the original, or include an additional condition in the loop for generating moves that prevents the infinite loop.
I am confused... When I clear my browser cache and wait a few days after updating my Shogi piece graphics, in some places, the graphics appear in their current form, and in others they appear in their original form. It seems like the images are refusing to update in some places. I've noticed the latter with the interactive diagrams on my articles for games I created (i.e. Suzumu Shogi, where the images in the Pieces section are up to date but the images in the interactive diagram are not) and when copying the image address and looking at the image that way. Any ideas as to what's causing this?
Well, as it turns out, I'm an idiot. All I needed to do was to change the graphics type for the interactive diagram from png to png?nocache=true. Whoops.
@Ilya Novikov I recently uploaded some Mnemonic and Pixilart Shogi pieces. Also, I removed the rule against perpetual check in both Futashikana Shogi and Shosu Shogi, so it might be a good idea to update the Zillions of Games pages about these games.
Edit: I also restored the original moves for the Side Soldier and Vertical Soldier and renamed a few pieces.
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I managed to make a preset for this game which enforces all of the rules except for the repetition rule, which is simplified to awarding draws on fourfold repetitions.
You can find it here: