Comments by ChessShogi
Seems like the comment system received an update - an update that removed an option to delete comments that are empty strings, which could be problematic, since there are no easy ways to delete comments now. Also, I do not like the fact that we now have a simple text field rather than an HTML editor. This is a straight up downgrade from the old and much better system, since you now have to enter HTML tags by hand - tags that the old system took care of for you.
Perhaps you could add a function (i.e. IsPawn(p)) to allow certain pieces to promote on the last rank? That way you can still keep the option off but allow certain pieces to promote on the last rank if need be.
@Greg Strong Sorry for the late response, but I just added a link the Alfaerie Style preset, so you are welcome to rename my page to 'Chu Shogi' and hide the other two pages with (non-rule enforcing) Chu Shogi presets.
Great idea, but how would you even go about implementing that? For a game like Yangsi or regular Chess, it would be fairly simple, but for a game like Chu Shogi or Suzumu Shogi, or even regular Shogi, things become really complicated really quick. Chu Shogi and Suzumu Shogi have multi-moving pieces, which required specialized code to enforce properly, namely a modified version of the code in Extra Move Chess that can enforce single and double moves, as well as a special subroutine that determines if a piece moved to a square that allows it to move again. In Chu Shogi, even more specialized code is needed to enforce the Lion-trading rules. Same for regular Shogi, except the specialized code handles drops rather than multi-moving pieces. Thanks to this and the fact that XBetza notation and GAME Code are two wildly different things, it would be incredibly difficult to properly implement the full version of your idea. Still, adding a button that, at the very least, prints out GAME Code functions for each piece, would be a great addition to this page in my opinion.
The diagram seems to be having problems rendering anything larger than 8x8. The image is fine, but the diagram seems to freak out when rendering any board size larger than 8x8.
Did you get my message?
Your welcome. In case your wondering how I made the preset, I mostly copied code from the Tenjiku Shogi preset (which was based on the Suzumu Shogi preset) and modified it to suit the needs of Chu Shogi and the its sets. The hardest part was implementing the Lion trading rules. For those, I used a variable to check whether a Lion was captured or not, and then tested moves based on its value. For allowing a Kirin that had just captured a Lion to be taken, I simply used a flag to mark its spot and created an exception to allow it to be recaptured.
When I try to update the description for my upcoming tutorial on programming variants with multi-move pieces in Game Courier, the description still reads what it originally said when I first posted the article. It seems like the description is refusing to update even after I change the text in the What's New Text field. Any idea as to what's causing this?
Yes, I would like the description for that article changed to "A tutorial on how to create variants with multi-move pieces in them."
Also, I personally think that the old system where the What's New Text and the article description are the same was a much better system. I have no idea why someone decided to separate them.
I wonder if there is a way to delete old presets? If so, I would like the presets listed below deleted (TLDR - All of the presets listed here that redirect to something). All of them are mine, so you do not need someone else's permission to delete them.
- All of my presets for Chess on a 10x10 Board
- All of my presets for Decimal Chess
- My alfaerie preset for Dragon Chess
- My preset for Futaskikana Shogi
- My alfaerie preset for Hectochess
- My alfaerie preset for Ryugi
- My preset for Single-Capture Suzumu Shogi
- My promotest preset for Suzumu Shogi
- The alfaerie, blackabstract, blackalfaerie, whiteabstract, and whitealfaerie presets for Yangsi
- All of my presets for Yangsi (Black)
- All of my presets for Yangsi (White)
In an earlier comment you said you could build an AI that plays much stronger than the one you currently have implemented into the diagram. I know the AI in the diagram is intended to be weak, but maybe you could implement the stronger AI as a separate option and have an option to switch between weak and strong AI in the AI bar?
There is a bug in the rule-enforcement subroutines. The code won't allow any piece to be moved - it just exits with the error message "You cannot move opponent pieces." Luckily, tweaking the cond statement that controls this exit point should fix it easily. When using cond its important to know that it will evaluate the second and third operands before the first operand unless they are encapsulated in parentheses. I'm only guessing here, but I think if you change cond #player islower #mover isupper #mover to cond #player (islower #mover) (isupper #mover) it should work as intended.
I would also like to have descriptions changed for the following pages:
Gyaku-sama Shogi - Smaller version of Hanten Shogi. >> Smaller variant of Hanten Shogi on a 13x13 board.
Taishin Shogi - Enoumous variant of Suzumu Shogi based on Tai Shogi. >> Enormous variant of Suzumu Shogi based on Tai Shogi and Taikyoku Shogi.
I'll get to testing that bug right away.
From my testing, the bug you described doesn't seem to pop up in the other presets I made using similar code. But those presets included code for a piece called the Heavenly Tetrarch, which wasn't allowed to skip the second part of its igui move. This piece does not exist in Chu Shogi, so I removed that part of the code when making the preset.
[Edit] This bug is now fixed. The lines that told the code to exit the do loop early after passing the second part of a double move were placed too far in. In the other presets, they were in the correct spots, but I had forgotten to update their position after deleting the code preventing the Tetrarch from passing its igui move in the Chu Shogi preset.
I simply recreated my game Yangsi in the applet, clicked on the button for showing the Game Code, and copied the code into a makeshift preset for it. When I tried to move a piece, the program exited with the error message "you cannot move opponent pieces." I tried it as normal and after swapping the Post-Move sections, but the error persisted.
Those presets were made long before this Play-Test Applet was a thing. What I meant in my last comment was that I recreated the setup and rules of Yangsi in the Play-Test Applet, clicked Start Position, clicked Game Code to get the code, and edited the Yangsi preset to make a fake preset using that code. After that, I tested the fake preset, and after moving a piece, the error showed up.
I fixed the preset. The option to pass the second part of a double move is now working properly.
Here's a preset I made using code from the Play-Test Applet:
When I click on a piece to move it in a Game Courier preset, the selected piece doesn't get surrounded by a black square. You can still tell which piece is selected by looking at the Moves Field though. Personally, I prefer to be able to see which piece I have selected on the board without having to refer to the Moves field.
There is a bug in Game Courier that prevents you from deselecting an empty square that can be reached by a friendly piece. When such a square is selected, everything works normally (aside from not showing a black box on the selected square), but if you then try to deselect it or click another square, it will instead append that coords of the square you clicked directly to the end of whatever's in the Moves Field.
There seems to be a bug in my rule-enforcing presets for large Shogi variants (except for Shosu Shogi) that makes the legal moves displayed for a piece repeat after ten squares. For example, in the Suzumu Shogi preset, if I click on the black Vice General in the starting position, Game Courier will display the normal legal move to 16e, but it will also show another legal move on 6e (which is still treated as illegal by the preset). I have no idea how this is happening, as I haven't changed the code for displaying legal moves (which is based on stalemated subroutines from teh chess3 and shogi include files) in any of these presets. Any help I can get would be greatly appreciated.
[Edit] I also found another bug that prevents Game Courier from displaying legal moves after trying to make an illegal move by the mouse and then cancelling it.
I also found another bug that prevents Game Courier from displaying legal moves after trying to make an illegal move with the mouse and then cancelling it with the popup.
I refreshed my browser cache. The Moves field works fine, but Game Courier still isn't displaying legal moves on the board after I try to make an illegal move with the mouse and then cancel it with the popup.
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