A. M. DeWitt wrote on Tue, Aug 18, 2020 12:40 AM UTC:
There is a bug in the rule-enforcement subroutines. The code won't allow any piece to be moved - it just exits with the error message "You cannot move opponent pieces." Luckily, tweaking the cond statement that controls this exit point should fix it easily. When using cond its important to know that it will evaluate the second and third operands before the first operand unless they are encapsulated in parentheses. I'm only guessing here, but I think if you change cond #player islower #mover isupper #mover to cond #player (islower #mover) (isupper #mover) it should work as intended.
There is a bug in the rule-enforcement subroutines. The code won't allow any piece to be moved - it just exits with the error message "You cannot move opponent pieces." Luckily, tweaking the cond statement that controls this exit point should fix it easily. When using cond its important to know that it will evaluate the second and third operands before the first operand unless they are encapsulated in parentheses. I'm only guessing here, but I think if you change cond #player islower #mover isupper #mover to cond #player (islower #mover) (isupper #mover) it should work as intended.