Comments by ChessShogi
The Wikipedia page on this game was changed to reflect your remarks on the range-jumping rankings to allow jump-capture of royalty. So I will do the same here. The GC preset already reflects this.
I will also make an interactive diagram with your pieces and put it on the page, and fix some typos I found.
[Edit]: Update of article successful. Working on the Interactive Diagram.
Interactive Diagram successfully inserted. However, Water Buffalos that promote to Fire Demon immediately burn surrounding enemies, which should not happen. Is there a way I can fix this without needing to modify the source code itself?
Alright then. I will revise this page and the GC preset to reflect this.
That was me noticing an error in the set, rushing to fix it, and forgetting to changing the preset's default set before doing so.
Since this page and the corresponding preset was changed to reflect the current consensus, I will update Nutty Shogi's page and preset to match, since it is based on Tenjiku Shogi.
Speaking of morph, I noticed a bug where its Shogi promotion parameter (|) blocks out the second player's promotion moves where the morph parameter comes into effect. For example, in this diagram of Chu Shogi the White Pawns are not allowed to promote on their last rank (To replicate, move a Pawn to the second rank and try to move it to the first rank. You should see its move blocked out.).
P.S. Also, while you are at it, can you copy the Shogi promotion code from betzaNewer over to betzaNew?
This is fixed now.
So I now use ^ for forced Shogi promotion instead (which did not have a meaning yet in the morph parameter).
Thanks. Both work perfectly.
You like the 'purple method' better? I did copy the code, but also left in the old code in an if-then-else construct. For now it always uses the purple method, but it would be easy to make this subject to a new parameter.
I think the 'purple method' is much more user-friendly, as you immediately see the availability for promotion on the board once the piece is eligible, rather than having a link show up at the top and then be confused as to why the piece won't move to the square you clicked on.
I encountered another bug with the optional Shogi promotion morph parameter. This time, its a visual glitch where the prompt works correctly but the images are reversed, so that clicking one yields the opposite result. I prepared everything in advance this time. All you need to do is move one of the advanced Pawns and click on one of the choices.
I at first though this was a simple wires-crossed case, but since there is only one place where the prompt is defined in betzaNew, this is less open-and-shut than I thought.
It turned out that the order in which the various promotions were generated determined how clicks were mapped onto piece types, and this was different for promotions resulting from morph and from promoZone. Now it simply uses the type displayed in the square that was clicked.
Well, this game has the problem of having lacunae in the historical sources. The current Tenjiku Jocly preset uses the ruleset from Richard's PbEM server.
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Since this comment is for a page that has not been published yet, you must be signed in to read it.
Since this comment is for a page that has not been published yet, you must be signed in to read it.
The AI understands the Lion-trading rules, but this is not reflected in the highlights when the player clicks on a Lion.
I made some paper cutouts of Chu Shogi using the Mnemonic pieces and a checkered board for learnability purposes, complete with the rules.
The pieces are designed so that if you only use paper, folding them as instructed will make the pictures face the opponent, like real Shogi pieces.
@H. G. Muller,
I added some 2D Kanji Shogi sprites from Francois's biscandine site in case you want to add that option in the Shogi Jocly preset.
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This looks good for the most part. A couple things I would like to point out though:
Your Fire Demon graph does not match any of the descriptions Tenjiku players use.
Your Vice General graph does not show the range-jumping properties like the other jumping General graphs do, so people might assume it is a normal slider.
The rules forget to mention the restriction against jumping over a King or Prince.
The Fire Demon was always depicted with diagonal slides, which your graph lacks.
Also, it seems you missed the graph for the Free Eagle. The preset on CVP uses the same move described in this page.
The Fire Demon graph looks good. It doesn't match the move described on this page, but this is acceptable due to the lacunae in the historical documents.
For the Free Eagle graph, it seems you just copied the Lion Hawk's diagram and removed some Lion move arrows. To clarify, the Free Eagle's "diagonal moves of the Lion" means it can move as a Ferz (one square diagonally) up to twice per turn, but otherwise has all the Lion move options that this implies. Oh, and don't forget the orthogonal and diagonal slides, which are always present for the Free Eagle.
If you need an easy reference for this move you can click on the Free Eagle in the Interactive Diagram.
Link quote
The Free Eagle graph, at least for the move described on this page, which you use in your Rules document, should look like this:
It's a shame that the position isn't given for tsumeshogi B23 in your MSM Errata B page. It sounds like it would be a fascinating problem, especially since it involves a Kirin deferral, but all that is given are tiny snippets of the solution. If given the FEN or a picture of the position, I can have HaChu solve it like I did with B15, and then compile the problem in the Chu Shogi Applet I made, which compiles all the tsumeshogis from your MSM Errata pages that give the position and have known solutions under the historic rules.
I've made 2 tsumeshogis involving Kirin deferrals (series MD in the Applet's tsumeshogi folder), but they are embarrassingly simplistic. Having B23's position would eliminate the need for the MD series, as it would showcase a much more elegant example of Kirin deferral.
4+A1gk2f1/6s2+P1l/1+H1n4r1e1/5N3mp1/5xpO4/11+L/9Q2/12/3+v8/12/12/12 w - 0 1
Thanks. Once I find the correct line to in order to reach get the mate in 8, I can compile this problem and delete the MD series (which is embarrassingly simplistic by B23's standards).
At that time the MSM was my only source for these problems, and it is a copyrighted source (which also contains the FENs).
I did make sure to cite my sources for the tsumeshogis (which you can find in the "0 - Chu Shogi Tsumeshogi Sources" PDF File in the Applet's tsumeshogi folder.) However, since there is a legal precedent that a Chess position cannot be copyrighted, I did not bother asking for permission from anyone before compiling the tsumeshogis, since the ruling, which presumably extends to Chess variants, would effectively consider the positions to be in the public domain.
I also fixed certain problems that needed it.
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