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Chu Shogi. Historic Japanese favorite, featuring a multi-capturing Lion. (12x12, Cells: 144) (Recognized!)[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
A. M. DeWitt wrote on Mon, Jun 24, 2024 02:19 PM UTC:

@H. G. Muller,

It's a shame that the position isn't given for tsumeshogi B23 in your MSM Errata B page. It sounds like it would be a fascinating problem, especially since it involves a Kirin deferral, but all that is given are tiny snippets of the solution. If given the FEN or a picture of the position, I can have HaChu solve it like I did with B15, and then compile the problem in the Chu Shogi Applet I made, which compiles all the tsumeshogis from your MSM Errata pages that give the position and have known solutions under the historic rules.

I've made 2 tsumeshogis involving Kirin deferrals (series MD in the Applet's tsumeshogi folder), but they are embarrassingly simplistic. Having B23's position would eliminate the need for the MD series, as it would showcase a much more elegant example of Kirin deferral.