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Comments by DerekNalls

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ChessVA computer program
. Program for playing numerous Chess variants against your PC.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Derek Nalls wrote on Thu, Dec 14, 2006 06:59 PM UTC:
[Comment voluntarily deleted.]

Derek Nalls wrote on Mon, Dec 18, 2006 07:23 PM UTC:
[Comment voluntarily deleted.]

SMIRFBROKEN LINK!. Program that plays various 8x10 chess variants.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Derek Nalls wrote on Wed, Dec 27, 2006 03:22 PM UTC:
Aside from a brief, cryptic note left by Reinhard Scharnagl at this web
site, I have no idea why ChessBox & SMIRF have disappeared.  Does anyone
really know anything about this mystery?


ChessVA computer program
. Program for playing numerous Chess variants against your PC.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Derek Nalls wrote on Wed, Jan 3, 2007 04:57 AM UTC:
Congratulations! Welcome back. Is this new web site safe from saboteurs?

Ministers Chess. Two queens on each side on a 9x9 board, available commercially.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Derek Nalls wrote on Tue, Jan 9, 2007 10:41 PM UTC:Poor ★
The inventor claims that the both-bishops-bound-to-the-same-color problem is fixed by a special move that allows a bishop to shift one space to the opposite spacing (dark to light for both players). In fact, moves themselves are too valuable of a resource in chess-related games for this special move to entirely compensate the imbalance (at the cost of 1 move). Thus, the dark spaces still possess some pre-eminence in bishop power.

SMIRFBROKEN LINK!. Program that plays various 8x10 chess variants.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Derek Nalls wrote on Fri, Jan 19, 2007 05:44 PM UTC:

The new SMIRF pages are up and running as well.
This is a mirror web site to the old SMIRF pages.

Derek Nalls wrote on Tue, Jan 23, 2007 06:52 PM UTC:
Please let me explain another way ...

The purpose of SMIRF is to fairly play ALL 960 FRC starting positions and
ALL 12,118 CRC starting positions equally and extraordinarily well.

Obviously, it would be impossible to generate high-quality opening books
of adequate depth and width for all of these 1000's of games within a
survivable time.  So, to attempt such a project is not even being
realistically considered.

Moreover, some people are skeptical that any of the starting positions
with FRC pieces upon the 8x8 board or CRC pieces upon the 10x8 board are
at all or significantly superior compared to other unknown permutations. 
In other words, they do not consider Chess any better than the other 959
FRC variants nor do they consider any of the 2 dozen CRC variants given
names by their inventors any better than the other 12,000+ CRC variants.

[Personally, I think otherwise that Chess & Opti Chess are the best FRC &
CRC games, respectively.  In the latter case, I admittedly lack
impersonal objectivity.]

In my playtesting experience, SMIRF is vastly better than merely 'an
impractical experiment that plays Chess poorly' as you describe it (more
or less).  You are missing the point.

You obviously do not fully understand that there is a strong correlation
between the quality of moves generated by a pure search intelligence
program (such as SMIRF) and the time, plies or positions that must be
invested to achieve worthwhile results.  When testing one program against
another or testing one set of material values for pieces against another
using the same program, I NEVER use a time per move of less than 1 hour
... running a dual-CPU (2.4 Ghz per CPU) server.  I regard
quickly-obtained results as random, too replete with bad moves and
analytically uninteresting (since a sub-genius such as I could have won
the game playing either side).  Given reasonable conditions, SMIRF &
ChessV make moves well beyond my capacity as a player.  By comparison,
the Zillions Of Games program makes bad moves even when given 24 hours per
move or more.

Derek Nalls wrote on Sat, Jan 27, 2007 05:23 PM UTC:
How much faster do you estimate that SMIRF will run on RISC-architecture, Mac hardware and OS than CISC-architecture, IBM-compatible hardware with MS Windows?

Experiments in Symmetry. Several experimental games to test whether perfect symmetry makes a game better.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Derek Nalls wrote on Sun, Feb 11, 2007 01:31 AM UTC:
Large Variants

Mirror West Chess

This game extends the board to 10 files by 8 ranks, giving each player 1
extra queen and 1 extra king.  White's first rank is RNBQKKQBNR and
black's is symmetric to it.  Hence, the name as the western 5 files from
Chess are mirrored and duplicated.  Each player gets 10 pawns.

The 2 kings should be royal on an extinction basis with the loss of the
first king [whichever one] not stopping the game but loss of the second
king causing the loss of the game.  For the purposes of comparison to
Chess, I am displeased with this alteration to the game-ending condition
but I see no way to avoid it while preserving all of the original pieces
with their original opening setup and original numbers as much as
possible.  Notwithstanding, Mormon Chess is arguably a better game for
the purposes of comparison because the game-ending condition is not altered.

Essentially, 'long-side' castlings to both sides would be accommodated,
each involving a different king and rook.

This game could be implemented using the Zillions Of Games program but
not using SMIRF or ChessV due to their intolerance for more than 1 king.

[Subject Thread] [Add Response]
Derek Nalls wrote on Sat, Feb 17, 2007 06:10 PM UTC:
Apparently, there are no longer any active moderators watching the Yahoo
group 'Chess Variants'.  The group is receiving off-topic, spam messages
which are being allowed to stay prominantly displayed and unless deleted,
in the permanent record.

Improved Chess. An improvement of standard chess: a blocked pawn on the far side gets extra jump moves to empty squares (with zrf).[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Derek Nalls wrote on Thu, May 3, 2007 07:55 PM UTC:Good ★★★★
Yes, the original pawns in chess are poorly designed and an improved buffer piece ('pawn', if you wish) will improve the game significantly. Winther's analyses are typically sound and I trust that he has accomplished 'improved chess' with the substitution of the 'improved pawn'.

There are many different ways to modify a pawn or design a buffer piece, though. I think some are even better than the way Winther has invented.

1. Please check-out the archived discussion entitled Alternative Pawns

2. Please download and study the variants of Opti Chess that feature 'ortho pawns' and 'lateral pawns' from Zillions Of Games

3. Please read The Reasons Behind Opti Chess
esp. from the 6th paragraph to its end where the value of pawn protection at the starting position to stable game design is explained.

Note that 'ortho pawns' and 'lateral pawns' improve game stability, increase the defensive strength of both players and reduce the first-move-of-the-game-advantage (for white) by protecting each other at the starting position.

Please consider admitting variants of Improved Chess that include 'ortho pawns' and 'lateral pawns'?

Kings. A modest variant with more than one king. (8x8, Cells: 64) [All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Derek Nalls wrote on Fri, Jun 15, 2007 02:52 PM UTC:Good ★★★★
experiments in symmetry
Mirror West Chess
8H x 10W

Just a few months ago, I independently proposed 1 of the 3 'kings' games
Abdul-Rahman Sibahi created.  Note that I did nothing with it.  No ZOG
implementation or Game Courier preset (if possible).  I hope ARS shows
more initiative than I.

'Is not the 10 x 8 version with two kings more symmetrical than
symmetrical variants with just one king?  Because a solo king stands out
as an asymmetry to the rest of the pieces on the board.'

Yes, it is impossible to symmetrically place one king upon an 8H x 10W
board because there is no defined, single center file.  Since there are
two center files, two kings are required.

Derek Nalls wrote on Fri, Jun 15, 2007 05:44 PM UTC:

All of the games on the 'experiments in symmetry' page (including Symposium Chess) were invented by Fergus Duniho. To the best of my knowledge, he never considered any of them worthy of development.

In the comments section under that page, I proposed only one game- 'Mirror West Chess'.

Derek Nalls wrote on Sat, Jun 16, 2007 06:16 AM UTC:
I think Sam Trenholme's concern about drawishness is well-founded.  So, I have abolished castling (a special move designed to enhance the protection of a single king) from all variants of Mirror West Chess.  Furthermore, there are variants included where the 2 royal pieces have the movement of a wazir or ferz instead of a man (i.e., king).

The submission I just sent to Zillions Of Games consists of 48 variants total.

Derek Nalls wrote on Sat, Jun 16, 2007 01:28 PM UTC:
Mirror West Chess;id=1429

Experiments in Symmetry. Several experimental games to test whether perfect symmetry makes a game better.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Derek Nalls wrote on Sun, Jun 17, 2007 03:27 PM UTC:
Mirror West Chess;id=1429

[Subject Thread] [Add Response]
Derek Nalls wrote on Wed, Jun 20, 2007 08:52 PM UTC:
Message #2255 in the 'Chess Variants' Yahoo group described 'a game with
no name' by Derek Nalls that was, in retrospect, merely a flawed precursor
of the game that became Optimized Chess by OmegaMan [my pen name for games
I invent but do not recommend playing].  So, thank you but I doubt it is
worthy of mention.

symmetry[Subject Thread] [Add Response]
Derek Nalls wrote on Thu, Jun 21, 2007 10:41 PM UTC:
I think you are on the right track putting an emphasis on symmetry to solve
problems involving fairness (and balance) for chess variants.  Obviously,
there are several factors that determine the complex functioning of a game
which affect fairness- more than just geometric symmetry of the pieces (and
board) ... as Thompson correctly points-out.  From my own positive
experiences in refining Hex Chess SS, I am confident that if your efforts
are thoroughgoing and if you are willing to break with tradition to a
sufficient extent with your game designs, you will achieve a level of
fairness that satisfies your high standards.

Some problems impacting fairness are traceable to using the traditional
white-black turn-order in chess variants.  The first-move-of-the-game
advantage (for white) is too high in relatively-small games such as
standard Chess.  Of course, this problem can be reduced by the use of more
pieces per player, more limited-range pieces instead of unlimited-range
pieces, a larger board, etc ... but never solved and eliminated as a game
becomes ridiculously large overall and unplayable for people.

The white-black-black-white turn-order has passed every test I have thrown
at it.  The predestined unfairness generally characteristic to turn-based
chess variants [With theoretically 'perfect play' by both players, one
player is certain to win despite the unsurpassable gameplan of the other
player in Hex Chess SS.] is so very small, I am unable to pinpoint whether
it actually favors white or black (although I hold the opinion that it
probably favors white).  So, I have abolished draws as an admissible
game-ending condition while maintaining a higher level of fairness than
exists for the vast majority of chess variants.

In case you are wondering, conclusive endgames are always achievable in
chess variants having the appropriate pieces starting the game and the
appropriate board geometry.  This so-called 'pendulum turn-order' is
symmetrical and fair to black in ways that the white-black turn-order
provably fails to be.

These two statements have complicated explanations available here:

Symmetrical Chess Collection

I recommend reading the entire 52-page essay to better understand the
following sections.

See section 14 (pages 20-23).
'minimizing the first-move-of-the-game advantage'

See section 20 (pages 36-41).
'game-ending conditions'

Living proof exists in all 3 variants of the working game Hex Chess SS
which requires the Zillions Of Games program to play:

Symmetrical Chess Collection

Experiments in Symmetry. Several experimental games to test whether perfect symmetry makes a game better.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Derek Nalls wrote on Mon, Jun 25, 2007 04:05 PM UTC:
Mormon Chess

Push the 'Download Now' button.

Out of curiosity, I implemented this invention by Fergus Duniho for the Zillions Of Games program.  This game and Mirror West Chess are the two best symmetrical alternatives for comparison to standard Chess (in my opinion).

Since this game is not mine, I do not feel at liberty to submit it to the ZOG web site or The Chess Variant Pages for publication, though.  I leave that decision to Fergus Duniho if/when he rejoins us.  Just consider this a demo available only to CV Pages activists (who follow the new comments).

Derek Nalls wrote on Tue, Jun 26, 2007 03:51 PM UTC:
I removed Mormon Chess due to a minor design flaw.

After ZOG implementation, I noticed that both color-changing pieces (i.e., knights) start the game upon spaces of the same color (i.e., light or dark).  Ideally, they should be upon opposite colors for balance.

Although this flaw is not anywhere near as severe as, for example, having both color-bound pieces (i.e., bishops) start the game upon spaces of the same color, it creates a slight imbalance with respect to the ability of both players to threaten or occupy spaces based upon color at the start of the game.

Thanks to Fergus Duniho, notwithstanding.

Derek Nalls wrote on Wed, Jun 27, 2007 04:51 AM UTC:
In hopes of solving the knights imbalance for Mormon Chess, I experimented with a Zillions Of Games implementation of a wider, 8H X 13W version having the following opening setup:


the first rank of white
(black is symmetrical to it)

Unfortunately, it leaves 2 undefended pawns, on the b-file & the l-file.  Moreover, they can both be exposed to attack simultaneously in one move by an opponent advancing the pawn on the center g-file by 1 or 2 spaces.  Incidentally, this is also a sound move toward development.  Obviously, if white does so on the very first move of the game, black cannot prevent this and can only react to defend one of the two threatened pawns.  The other, undefended pawn can be stolen.  This is hardly a fair way to start the game.

I give-up on this game idea.

Derek Nalls wrote on Wed, Jun 27, 2007 05:17 AM UTC:
In my opinion, both of your game proposals look like recipes for better games than standard Chess that are symmetrical.  However, I think opening setups that are 2 ranks deep with power pieces deviate too greatly from that of standard Chess to be directly comparable in accordance with the intent of Fergus Duniho's 'experiments in symmetry'.

His idea was to minimize the differences, to the greatest extent possible, between 2 games otherwise identical except for their respective symmetry and asymmetry.  In this manner, the tested variable could be isolated in theory.  In practice, this has been difficult.  To my present thinking, the only somewhat-satisfactory symmetrical game in existence to test against (asymmetrical) standard Chess is Mirror West Chess.  Unfortunately, this game has no single royal king per player.  Instead, it has 2 royal pieces (royal wazirs OR royal ferzes in different variants) per player.  So, its value for comparison is dubious.

Derek Nalls wrote on Thu, Jun 28, 2007 12:46 AM UTC:
Thank you for directing me to Double King Chess by Parton!

This is just what the 'experiments in symmetry' need as a second somewhat-suitable game for comparison.  However, I would not use the game exactly as invented.  In fact, I would reinvent it substantially and give it a different name appropriately.

Essentially, I think of this opening setup as 'Mirror East Chess' (compared to 'Mirror West Chess') where the 5 eastern files from standard Chess are duplicated onto the west thereby creating a symmetrical opening setup of 8H x 10W.

With 2 royal pieces, 2 royal wazirs or 2 royal ferzes would be used instead of 2 kings (royal men) to prevent the game from being too drawish.  Moreover, the game-winning condition would be extinction of BOTH royal pieces to increase game stability and decrease the first-move-of-the-game advantage (for white).

Derek Nalls wrote on Thu, Jun 28, 2007 06:17 AM UTC:
The variants of Mirror East Chess with royal wazirs just bit the dust due to undefended pawns on the c-file & h-file.  This leaves only variants of Mirror East Chess with royal ferzes being stable.  

[Mirror West Chess has no such limitations.]


the first rank of white
(black is symmetrical to it)

Note:  F = ferz (royal)

I will submit Mirror East Chess to the ZOG web site soon.

Derek Nalls wrote on Sat, Jun 30, 2007 04:38 AM UTC:
The Games Of OmegaMan

Push the 'Download Now' button.

11 Games

Optimized Chess 8H X 10W
Embassy Chess 8H X 10W
Sym Chancellor Chess 8H X 12W
Sym Archbishop Chess 8H X 12W
Chancellor Chess 8H X 10W
Archbishop Chess 8H X 10W
Non-Standard Chess 8H X 8W
Mirror West Chess 8H X 10W
Mirror East Chess 8H X 10W
Sym Chess 8H X 10W
Bishop Pairs Chess 8H X 12W

The latest-version ZOG implementations of all of these games will always be available here.

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