Derek Nalls wrote on Sun, Feb 11, 2007 01:31 AM UTC:
Large Variants
Mirror West Chess
This game extends the board to 10 files by 8 ranks, giving each player 1
extra queen and 1 extra king. White's first rank is RNBQKKQBNR and
black's is symmetric to it. Hence, the name as the western 5 files from
Chess are mirrored and duplicated. Each player gets 10 pawns.
The 2 kings should be royal on an extinction basis with the loss of the
first king [whichever one] not stopping the game but loss of the second
king causing the loss of the game. For the purposes of comparison to
Chess, I am displeased with this alteration to the game-ending condition
but I see no way to avoid it while preserving all of the original pieces
with their original opening setup and original numbers as much as
possible. Notwithstanding, Mormon Chess is arguably a better game for
the purposes of comparison because the game-ending condition is not altered.
Essentially, 'long-side' castlings to both sides would be accommodated,
each involving a different king and rook.
This game could be implemented using the Zillions Of Games program but
not using SMIRF or ChessV due to their intolerance for more than 1 king.