Comments by HGMuller
This could be a mini version that is playable by (a future version of) Fairy Stockfish:
Camels and Zebras seem too have too long leaps even on 10x10, and would hardly benefit from their moves becoming rides. So I used AH and DG instead, where the D and A turn into rides on their own board half. Their permanent capture move is then too long range for being very useful in defense. (It would have to be so near the enemy that it can be easily chased away when used to protect squares in its own camp.)
It appears to be in the article under the name 'Newt'. A one-letter abbreviation would collide with that for Knight, though.
BTW, I used a standard Frog (FH) in Megalomachy; perhaps this can be added to the artice?
You posted this with the Checkmating Applet, where it doesn't belong. Please copy-paste it to a new posting in a place where it does belong, and then delete this one.
BTW, why do you always replace a single army in the existing CwDA Diagram? You obviously know what you have to change to make that work, and instead of changing it, you could just add it. And add one or more rows of buttons to select the new armies. Then the Diagram could also play the new armies against each other.
Where you normally post such Diagrams. Or in any case something CWdA related. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with end-game tables.
Since the AH ('Newt') and DG, which I wanted to use in mini-Onslaught, are rarely used pieces, I had a look at their checkmating abilities. Of course they are both minors, so they must be paired with another minor to be able to force checkmate on a bare King.
The AH is semi-potent, allowing it to force mate together with a forking piece like the Camel, but in the general theory we have seen that a Knight, although forking, is always an exception to this. The Bishop is potent, and can force mate together with almost anything on boards of arbitrary size, so we will not further consider that. The Modern Elephant (FA) performs as well as a Bishop up to 10x10 (the largest size the Applet can handle). Because the AH is not forking, a pair of AH cannot force checkmate at all.
DG is more interesting: the D move makes it a potent piece. So in principle it can perform a checkmating manoeuvre together with any piece. But it is a color-bound piece, so this applies only to corners of its own shade, and if the partner is color bound it must of course be on the opposit shade. This limitation spoils the checkmate of DG + N, even on 8x8. The large leaps make the DG a clumsy piece, and together they cannot drive the bare King to the required corner. On 9x9 all corners are the same shade, and if the DG is on that shade, DG + N can force checkmate.
DG + AH can force checkmate on 8x8, but not on 10x10. Apparently the Newt cooperates better with the DG than a Knight does. If we equip the DG with an additional non-capturing DD ride, it can force the checkmate with AH even on 10x10. (This is relevant for mini-Onslaught, as on its own half the DG would have this move.) So it is a bit of a boundary case.
A pair of DG can force mate on 10x10. Provided they are on opposit shade, of course. Then all corners are deadly, and driving the bare king into a deadly corner is relatively easy.
I would guess that the weakness of the pieces makes it very difficult to achieve checkmate, so that the game would focus on trying to reach the other side, and win by campmate.
Th k modifier inverts the power to deliver check compared to what the piece would otherwise have.
The Chu-Shogi Lion's turn pass can be written as mabK or [K-bK]. But there is no way to enter a turn pass in the Interactive Diagram. Since the Diagram does not enforce turn order, though, you can pass a turn in any Diagram by simply playing two moves for the other side in a row. If you want the AI to play the extra move you can use the Move button. It messes up the game notation, though. Perhaps I should let the notation code detect this, and insert a null move (e.g. --).
I can add that even though the rules in Chu Shogi do allow you to pass a turn in some situations, I so far could not imagine any position where this would be a good move.
That would be a possibility. But not all variants that do allow turn pass associate this turn pass with a piece. And when different pieces can do a null move, you would have different notations for the same move. Of course you coould always associate a null move with the King, which should always be there.
But the conventional solution used by interfaces for orthodox Chess is to write them as 'pass' or '--'. Although in Chess these are of course illegal, many interfaces allow them during interactive analysis. Where it can be important to answer the question "what is the threat I am facing in this position".
Th problem here is not how to write the turn pass, but that the I.D. currently is not aware at all that when two moves of the same player are done in a row a turn pass should be inserted between them. Hence the notation gets 'out of phase'. Which is fatal for reading it back, as SAN does not explicitly encode the color of the moving piece. Nf6 could mean either a white or black Knight. For two Knights of the same color being able to make that move it would add disambiguation, like Ngf6, but not if a Knight of the opponent can make the same move. When it encounters Nf6, it only looks for Knights of the color that it expects to be on move, which only follows from the sequence number of the move in the game record to be even or odd.
So I guess that before adding a move to the game it should first check whether the color of the moved piece corresponds to the even/oddness of its sequence number, and if not insert the turn pass before adding the move.
If you are talking about bitmaps of piece that were rendered from some higher resolution (or vector image) using anti-aliasing on a white background, the pieces all having black outlines, then indeed, replacing the grey with black, and using the bitwise complement of the grey-scale value as alpha channel would mix in as much background as the original image would have mixed in white. Additional condition is that the image would not contain any internal grey pixels. This could be problematic with pieces that had purely white filling; the algorithm would treat the white filling the same as the exterior, and make the entire piece transparent.
This could be avoided by using a flood-fill-like algorithm, which only treats pixels which neighbored other pixels that were changed. And then start in a corner pixel.
Old bitmap images might not have anti-aliasing, though. These would just have a ragged boundary between an absolutely black outline and a uniform background of another color. (The original Alfaeries are like that.)
You are aware that there already exist SVG sets for Motif and Magnetic, in /graphics.dir/svg/ ?
I think it would be more useful to create the new pieces as SVG for consistency. I am not sure about the significance of the watermarks. They must be remnants of the original set of orthodox pieces, which I think were taken from the PyChess GitHub. The additional pieces were made from those by editing and combining them with Inkscape.
Using Inkscape is easier than using the programs for making raster images that I know. Because all the elements in the image (lines, circles, rectangles) keep separate identities all the time, and can be individually selected for repositioning, shape editing, scaling, coloring etc. Designing piece images does not require much more than defining curves by first clicking a number of points to define a polygon, then open that for shape editing, so that you can move around the individual points, and control the angles at which the line segments leave those (thus bending those into curves).
But FSF of course is likely to play it very poorly. So it is not clear whether any conclusion can be drawn from that.
I suppose the heuristic used by the Interactive Diagram implicitly does something similar. Most of the piece value is determined by the number of captures the piece on average can make. But this is measured on a 25% filled board, where the density of pieces of a certain color decreases linearly from their own backrank to zero just beyond the furthrest rank. The larger number of enemy pieces it will hit in the forward direction will then cause more captures for the forward moves than for similar backward moves.
I also used it, in Team-Mate Chess, where I called it Unicorn. Because this was one of the Knight-like piece images available in WinBoard.
The a does not stand for 'after' but for 'and again', which is the same as 'before'. So afsW means W before fsW: first a W step in any of the 4 directions, and then another step at 45 degrees (fs) relative orientation to it.
Values are guestimated through a rather complex method, based on the empirical observation (i.e. from playing thousands of computer games starting from materially imbalanced positions) that short-range leapers with N moves have a value (33 + 0.7*N)*N centi-Pawn, where captures contribute twice as much as non-captures. To extend that to other classes of pieces their number of moves is calculated in a number of randomly generated positions with 25% filled boards, where the density of a certain color decreases to 0 at the furthest rank. And the average of this plus one standard deviation is then taken to plug into the formula for leapers.
You lost me. What is this 'font size' you are referring to? Is this because you have the orthodox set as font (TTF), and try to produce other images as individual .svg files?
Font sizes are typically referred to in 'point' units, which is not the same as pixels. I don't know how the various point sizes correspont to pixels; this must be glyph-dependent, at least for the width in proportional fonts.
SVG images have an intrinsic size, but it is often ignored by the software rendering it. I think the Alfaerie SVGs are 2048x2048, but including them as image on a HTML page without size instructions renders them as 150x150. That is a browser decision.
In making the Magnetic and Motif SVGs I started from individual SVG images from the GitHub pychess repository, not from the font.
I think browsers only use different size than the intrinsic one if they think the latter is unreasonably large.
Does converting the point size to pixels, and editing all SVGs extracted from the font to have that intrinsic size give the desired result?
The old SVG images for Magnetic are in /graphics.dir/svg/magnetic/, where all SVG normally are kept to make them available to fen2.php. Currently this new set appears to be in /graphics.dir/MagneticPNG/svg/, which is a bit of an illogical place. So if the idea is to make it available for public use, it would probably be best to move them, or at least a copy of them, to some /graphics.dir/svg/*/ as well.
Of course one can doubt the desirability of having two practically indistinguishable piece themes there. So it might be better to just merge the sets.
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OK. I don't know why you changed the size, but when the set is finished we could include them in a new directory magneticL.
When I use Inkscape to convert raster images I start with loading it with another image of the set, and then delete all image elements, to get a blank canvas of the desired size. Then I import the raster image as background, scale it to the same size as the set uses, and overlay it with my own drawing. This avoids size change.
The Magnetic SVGs I started from where not made by me, though. I copied them from the PyChess GitHub repository. And then did cut & paste jobs combined with some editing to create the compounds.
Wouldn't it look more natural to have the Cannon aim horizontally? Shooting straight up is never recommended.
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This article makes it easy to find how a piece of a given name moves. But the reverse is still very difficult. Perhaps there should be an index of some kind, where you can alphabetically look up the Betza notation, and find names that are used for a piece that moves that way.
Except that Betza notation is not really unique. So for this to work we should define some 'canonical form' of the notation, which would tell us that we would have to look for WD rather than DW. This makes purely alphabetic order perhaps less convenient; ordering primarily by atom, ignoring the modifiers and ranges might be preferable.
Anyway, these thoughts occurred to me when I was wondering whether there exist names for AH and DG, the 'expanded' versions of Kirin and Phoenix. I suppose these pieces qualify as amphibians, as the individual D, A, G and H components are severely area bound, while AH can go anywhere, and DG only has normal color binding.