Comments by HGMuller
There was indeed a fatal bug that would cause an immediate crash. I don't know how this crept into the betza.txt include file; I had seen that bug before, and fixed it, and when I tested Megalomachy it worked.Which would not have been possible with this bug. It must have reverted somehow, by the version I have on my PC and the version here on CVP being out of sync.
Anyway, I applied the fix again, and that seems to make it work. (I am not sure it would work if the King only makes a single step, though, as this is ambiguous.)
Thank you for your kind words. I also count Macadamia Shogi as one of the best variants amongst my designs. But of course almost all the credit for that should come from Maka Dai Dai Shogi having such unique and interesting rules; all I did was throw stuff out...
It appears the missing kanji tiles were never made. And probably for a reason: the tiles representation uses the Chu-Shogi 1-kanji set, and in most cases I would be at a loss what kanji to pick for the missing tiles. E.g. in the case of Free Gold both the kanji for Free and for Gold are already in use (for Free King and Gold General, respectively). I suppose one could argue that a red Gold would do, because there isn't any piece that would promote to a normal Gold General. The 'Tiles-1' set in the Maka Dai Dai Shogi article suffers from the same problem; only the 'Tiles-2' button produces a reasonably complete set of kanji pieces.
What I did now is copy the 2-kanji pieces from the Maka Dai Dai set to the Chu Shogi set, so that we now have a mixed 1-kanji/2-kanji set for Macadamia Shogi there.
The Emperor is still missing in all sets, though. It required 4 kanji to spell the name of this piece, and I could not fit that on the tiles. So I am not sure how I should make one.
I had to pause the work on the C version of the Interactive Diagram due to other pressing business, but I certainly plan to resume it.
I don't think "if turn < 2:" , using < as infix operator is valid GAME code; I would expect something like "if < turn 2:"
I don't think you can do this in the Pre-Game code; I expect turn always to be 0 there, no matter how long the game is already progressing. Every time you submit or request the preset page GC would first execute the Pre-Game section, then the Pre-Move and Post-move sections for every stored move to set up the current position (increasing 'turn' in the process), and finally the Post-Game section. Preparation for the move to come (such as highlighting) should be done in the Post-Game section (where 'turn' will reflect the number of moves played so far).
OK, I see. There is a mismatch between your first-move handling routines and the normal Post-Game section. On black's turn 1 it does your Post-Move 2 (blackInitialHandle), but the normal GameEnd false in Post-Game-2. This is needed because you now want to highlight for white's normal move that will be entered next.
But GameEnd assumes the variables promo, mover and desti (and probably a lot more) to be set by the preceding call to HandleMove, which now was not done. It uses these in a call Promote #player #mover #desti, to test whether the moved piece is allowed to promote at the given destination, and if any promotion piece was specified with the move (#promo) that would be allowed, or whether one would have still to be requested through a promotion screen. This routine now gets confused because the involved values are still undefined.
At the end of blackInitialHandle (after it made the moves) you could put
set many ok 1 promo 0 ori #source1 desti #dest1 mover space #dest1;
to define these variables the way HandleMove would have left them, and prepare the way for proper execution of the following GameEnd.
Currently your code has no provision for positioning the second piece with the mouse; after entering the first move it immediately sends it to the server, so source2 and dest2 will be undefined in the first call to the InitialHandle routines. In GameEnd I handle a similar situation (when the user has entered the first leg of a locust capture) by issuing the GAME-code commands continuemove, return; when #ok has been set to value 2 in the preceding Post-Move routine when it detected part of the move was still missing.
I am not sure how you would have to make sure such an additional move would have to be highlighted; I suppose the list of legal moves for that turn would already have had to consist of move pairs. Probably Fergus can help you with that better.
A white Prince may promote (or not) on rank 12 to a white Queen. This is normal. But a black Prince coming BACK to rank 12 may also promote to a WHITE Queen, which is absurd.
You are right. The code in the include file was written with the idea in mind that the promoting pieces would not be able to move backwards. I guess for now I can patch it by making promotion only possible on the enemy half.
Actually, it's worse than I thought. In my current game with Numerist I can't even move my Prince (white) to rank 1 because it would become either a black Queen or a black Prince. I have no way to let it remain a white Prince.
It should be fixed now. The problem was that the table that indicates in the Pre-Game section what choices are available on each rank was used by both black and white, so white could promote (with black's choice) if he reached black's promotion zone. There really should have been separate tables. I solved the problem by not consulting the table at all when a piece is on its own board half. This is not completely general, but I don't know any variant for which it would be a problem.
Any idea why?
I think you should use it in your handling routines. After constructing source2 and dest2 you should test if these are legal, and if not, do continuemove + return to abort further processing. And perhaps alter the legalmoves to those of the remaining piece.
Do I need to do any change in the other games of the Timurid family which also authorize the promotion of the Prince?
I suppose not. I did not make any change in your code. (I am not even sure there would be a way for me to do that.) Just in the include file that all PTA-automated presets include..
(Uses Shatranj version, K+G vs. K is mentioned in historical sources)
Note that the historical sources only mention that K + promoted Gold (= Rook) vs K is a win.
The HaChu engine allows Ln x P x Ln if no recapture is possible, which I am convinced is the historic rule. Historic sources give an example that makes it clear the situation after the capture that should be decisive ('hidden protector').
Jocly can handle anything, because basically you have to program the game yoursself in JavaScript. the standard software would not have any problem in displaying pieces that stick out of their square, at least in 3d. You would probably have to rewrite or alter some of the standard routines for chess variants; the easiest approach would be to define a multi-square piece as multiple pieces, one movable, the others just being dragged with it as a side effect.
If you search the betza.txt file he does that himself. I'm not sure why but it works.
Beware that not everything in betza.txt might work. The continuemove that occurs in HandleMove is in a code branch that would try to resolve a remaining ambiguity, e.g. in case the first leg of a multi-move that had just been entered could also be a move in its own right. Most variants don't have such situations, so bugs there would not be quickly discovered.
I notice that the other occurrence of continuemove in betza.txt is actually in GameEnd (i.e. the Post-Game section), and that it is basically a deferred execution there: HandleMove discovers the entered move is incomplete (and could continue in multiple ways), and then sets a variable ok to 2 to relay that information to GameEnd, so it can do the continuemove there. I might have done things in such a round-about way because of what Fergus says.
I am not sure what the problem would be with using continuemove in the Post-Move section. I understand it should only be done after all moves of the game have been executed before invoking it, or the user would be presented a wrong position when prompted for entering the second part of the move. And using it in the Post-Game section guarantees that, as GC only executes that after the Post-Moves of all moves. But the Post-Move after the last move is basically executed together together with Post-Game, with nothing happening in between. So I could very well imaging that things that should not be used during execution of the Post-Move section of earlier moves are harmless in the Post-Move of the last move. (But this is just speculation.)
The HandleMove routine in betza.txt makes this distinction, as for efficiency reasons it only does a proper legality test there, and that is also the point where it would discover the entered move is still ambiguous. So it might get away with invoking continuemove in the part that is only executed for the last move. In that case using it in your Initial routines conditionally (when move 2 is not yet entered) would work too, as this can only happen on the last move of the sequence, just before invoking the Post-Game section; in the stored moves the prelude should always be present as a pair.
Anyway, in the Post-Move 2 for black's initial turn, which will be followed by the normal GameEnd when you are entering black's placement, you could simply do set ok 2 on an incomplete move, so let GameEnd invoke continuemove. After Post-Move 1 your own Post-Game-1 code will be executed. You could also use ok as a signal that the move found in Post-Move 1 was incomplete, and in that case let the Post-Game-1 code highight moves for the second placement, rather than the first, before making it invoke continuemove.
Too bad that can't be done in an Interactive Diagram. :~(
Well, Interactive Diagrams also allow scripting, through supplying a JavaScript xxxTinker routine that would post-process all generated moves. You could also use that to add dragging along dummy neighbors, which would have no moves of their own, or reject moves where this dragged neighbor would collide with something. (Or you might alter the XBetza of the moving partner to make lame detours for guaranteeing the involved squares are empty. E.g. a forward Rook move that should be able to drag along a dummy on the square on the right of it without collisions could be fr(ablabr)ablF.)
In fact, calling it more than once could result in the wrong value for $movenum. So, it makes sense to reserve its use for the Post-Move code.
I suppose you meant to write Post-Game code here?
If a Post-Move code would only use continuemove when it detects the current move is incomplete, it would automatically be called at most once, as all earlier moves in the game should be complete for the game to progress to the current one. Also note that the PTA-automated code is running with the "do not add moves" checkbox ticked, so that Post-Move initially is in fact Pre-Move, and only starts to do post-move processing when the code actually orders the move to be done. From the code you show it seems important to do continuemove after the last move was made (if this was incomplete).
I think the main danger of using continuemove at the termination of Post-Move is that it would not automatically suppress or alter what happens in Post-Game. While it is conceivable you want to use different highlighting for the second part of the move than you would have at the start of a turn, and you would not want the legality test, things that the Post-Game code would normally do.
So the best solution for Aurelian is probably to parse the move (in the prelude) in Post-Move, always perform the first move, then test if the second move was present, also make it if it was, but set variable ok to 2 when it wasn't. The Post-Game code for the prelude could then test the value of ok, and abort after invoking continuemove if it had value 2, possibly after recalculating the highlighting.
Did you mean Post-Game code?
Indeed I did. I now corrected that too.
Indeed, the counterstrike should be forbidden here.
The Interactive Diagram does implement the counterstrike rule: when you place both Lions in front of an enemy GB, switch on the AI, and play GBxLn, it will not capture the Lion. In the highlighting you won't see it, though, as the I.D. does pseudo-legal highlighting. Moves that expose you to check will also be highlighted. (If it is the King making such moves these are highlighted in grey, but betzaNew.js doesn't even do that anymore. Perhaps one of these days I will subject the highlighted moves to a legality test, and use another highlight symbol for the illegal ones.)
The same test appears to work in Jocly, though. And then it doesn't even highlight the counterstrike GBxLn.
Indeed, it seems that locust capture of the Lion does not set the 'iron lion' flag. Counterstrike through locust capture is forbidden, though.
Good catch!
[Edit] In the I.D. the AI does this correctly. But the problem is caused by the way the latest user move is passed to the AI. This derives the move from the origin and destination highlights, so it completely misses any locust capture.
but apparently thinks non-lion refers to non-Lion moves though, rather than non-Lion pieces, ...
I am not even sure what that would mean. Of course the consensus is that non-Lion refers to a piece type, and until now I have never seen any other interpretation. The 81-Dojo server (when it was still featuring Chu Shogi) interpreted it as types. No phrase that would not explicitly contain the word 'move' or 'capture' would ever refer to a move. Do there really exist people that seriously would want to argue that when the rules specify "the Queen is not not allowed to capture Pawn" that this means Rooks, Bishops, Kings and other Pawns are not allowed to capture a Pawn either, because they would do it through a Queen move? This is insane.
I can see the way you interpret "non-lion" in the counter-strike rule becoming a point of contention though.
I cannot see that, and never have spoken to anyone who thinks that. (Which includes the Chu-Shogi Renmei, the 81-Dojo community, the German Chu-Shogi Association, the TSA, Hidetchi, the Wikipedia maintainers...) If it would have said "A Lion cannot capture a protected Lion"... Would that also mean that a Rook cannot capture an adjacent protected Lion, because 'Lion' refers to 'Lion move', as it did not explicitly contain the word 'piece'? And if 'Lion' by default refers to a piece, why would 'non-Lion' be different?
I read in LiChess 'issues' (in particular about Ln x P x Ln without recapture possibility) that the developers want to follow CSRM rules, even though most people consider some of the deviations from historic rules there non-sensical. And the CSRM definitely considers 'Lion' a piece type, and not a move.
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The captureMatrix is not something that should be specified per piece. There is only a single capture matrix, with a row for each attacker piece type. In such a row there should be the event descriptor for every piece it captures (starting with an empty square, i.e. the non-capture).
Fairy-Max communicares through CECP ('WinBoard protocol'), described at . It is not really designed for running on the command line.
You get command sequences like
memory 64
level 40 5 0
variant capablanca
usermove f2f4
I would think x nand y should produce the same value as nand x y by definition, the only difference being that y (and thus its possible side effects) would not be executed if the value of x already fixes the outcome (i.e equals false).
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