Actually, it's worse than I thought. In my current game with Numerist I can't even move my Prince (white) to rank 1 because it would become either a black Queen or a black Prince. I have no way to let it remain a white Prince.
It should be fixed now. The problem was that the table that indicates in the Pre-Game section what choices are available on each rank was used by both black and white, so white could promote (with black's choice) if he reached black's promotion zone. There really should have been separate tables. I solved the problem by not consulting the table at all when a piece is on its own board half. This is not completely general, but I don't know any variant for which it would be a problem.
It should be fixed now. The problem was that the table that indicates in the Pre-Game section what choices are available on each rank was used by both black and white, so white could promote (with black's choice) if he reached black's promotion zone. There really should have been separate tables. I solved the problem by not consulting the table at all when a piece is on its own board half. This is not completely general, but I don't know any variant for which it would be a problem.