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The Google Custom Search turns up this when searching for ‘ski‐rook’:
Apparently it contains a (leaping) ski‐bishop, though no actual ski‐rook. Only one I could find though. EDIT: Never mind, apparently it's just an example. And all the other usages of ski‐sliders or Pickets (and their compounds) seem to be lame. Which leaves only a game which I've had in mind but not yet got round to writing up, where a leaping‐picket+wazir promotes from a Phoenix/Waffle. And arguably (albeit failing the ‘straight line’ condition) the original GA unicorn/rhinoceros
I must admit I'm surprised these aren't more popular…
Where does the ski- name come from then?

The Heavenly Tetrarch in Tenjiku Shogi has ski-slide moves, but combines them with igui on the skipped square. The Wyvern in the Daring Dragons army of CwDA has a sideway ski-slide. (This caused a lot of trouble when programming it in the KingSlayer engine.)

‘Ski‐’ seems to date back at least as far as Jelliss' ’All the King's Men‘, which would seem to be a work about pieces but not an actual game (I can't seem to access it though, and fsr the link in the Alphab. Index is to
). Idk if he got his terminology from another source himself
I knew I must have forgotten something — looks like it was indeed Tenjiku's Tetrarch

The correct external link page for All the King's Men is
(a semantic version of
There Jelliss references himself in a '73 The Problemist article, which somewhat remarkably are available online at Clicking and searching through the issues, I find Ski pieces defined on page 387 of the November/December issue 285.
Thank you! It looks like ski-whatever is the only name anyone's used for these pieces.
Ski-whatever is a bizarre name to my ears. Like if the piece was skiing. What's the meaning of ski- in English in this context?
In English, skiing is a winter sport that involves sliding on snow with a long plank attached to each foot. The piece name probably refers to a ski jump, in which a skier goes down a ramp that sends him up into the air for a while before touching ground.

It looks like ski-whatever is the only name anyone's used for these pieces.
Well… strictly speaking Gilman extended (in M&B06) the name Picket, as well as its orthogonal and 3D‐/hex‐diagonal counterparts (resp. Pocket and Packet) and their forward‐only counterparts (Piker/Poker/Paker) and compounds (typically with the suffix ⟨‐on⟩, as in e.g. Fezbaon for H.G.'s Lame Duck), to include pieces which leap over the first cell, or indeed the last or any single intermediate one — these latter three being resp. early‐ late‐ and flexi‐leap versions of the usually Stepping pieces.
It seems he only ever used the stepping form in his actual games though (though it seems ski‐ itself is (or at least originates as) problemist usage, which fwiw Gilman tended to be dismissive of, if not without his reasons)

While browsing I came across another couple of games with ski‐sliders: Quang Trung Chess has a ski‐rook from its third edition (except the fourth, where it's a ski‐queen); the comments on the 4th‐ed. page here also reveal Snark Hunt's Boojum, also a ski‐queen (and its Snark, which moves as either king or boojum but demotes to the latter when moving as such)
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Are there any games that use pieces that slide in a straight line but always hop over the first square? I know there's the picket, but that doesn't jump.