It looks like ski-whatever is the only name anyone's used for these pieces.
Well… strictly speaking Gilman extended (in M&B06) the name Picket, as well as its orthogonal and 3D‐/hex‐diagonal counterparts (resp. Pocket and Packet) and their forward‐only counterparts (Piker/Poker/Paker) and compounds (typically with the suffix ⟨‐on⟩, as in e.g. Fezbaon for H.G.'s Lame Duck), to include pieces which leap over the first cell, or indeed the last or any single intermediate one — these latter three being resp. early‐ late‐ and flexi‐leap versions of the usually Stepping pieces.
It seems he only ever used the stepping form in his actual games though (though it seems ski‐ itself is (or at least originates as) problemist usage, which fwiw Gilman tended to be dismissive of, if not without his reasons)
Well… strictly speaking Gilman extended (in M&B06) the name Picket, as well as its orthogonal and 3D‐/hex‐diagonal counterparts (resp. Pocket and Packet) and their forward‐only counterparts (Piker/Poker/Paker) and compounds (typically with the suffix ⟨‐on⟩, as in e.g. Fezbaon for H.G.'s Lame Duck), to include pieces which leap over the first cell, or indeed the last or any single intermediate one — these latter three being resp. early‐ late‐ and flexi‐leap versions of the usually Stepping pieces.
It seems he only ever used the stepping form in his actual games though (though it seems ski‐ itself is (or at least originates as) problemist usage, which fwiw Gilman tended to be dismissive of, if not without his reasons)