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That was a reply to HGM since his comment gave me an idea for a variant where the holes don't stop movement. In that variant, if the Pawns aren't in front, the Rooks can capture each other from the starting position.
Okay. I was just wondering because it was under Avatar Riff Riders.
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Brothers Challenge
I was thinking about having a short-range burning piece, which burns diagonally adjacent pieces, like what the Fire Dragon does in Minjiku Shogi. This creates the desired power gap while still allowing adequete defense against the power piece, even without jumping sliders. An example is shown below.
Also, I noticed a weird bug where for burning pieces the diagram would stop generating moves early on normal board with no holes if the burning piece gets close enough to the board edge. For an example, go to the Tenjiku Shogi page move one of Sente's Fire Demon towards the top board edge. With enough messing around you should see the highlight generation fritz out when a Fire Demon is highlighted.
You indeed caught a bug there. It was limited to the highlighting routine (the AI handled these cases correctly): when scanning through the blast zone for enemies to know if it should highlight by the 'flame' marker it would also access off-board ranks, which caused the script to crash at that point. Thus preventing further generation of moves. I fixed this now.
I was thinking about having a short-range burning piece, which burns diagonally adjacent pieces, like what the Fire Dragon does in Minjiku Shogi. This creates the desired power gap while still allowing adequete defense against the power piece, even without jumping sliders. An example is shown below.
My only reservation is that introducing any form of burning makes it more a Tenjiku-Shogi variant than a Dai-Shogi variant. If it was up to me I would prefer to only use moves of a type that are already in Dai Shogi. A quite strong piece without solo-mating capability could be made by enhancing a Queen with linear two-leg moves like exist on the Horned Falcon and Soaring Eagle.
I also found another bug where a piece that promotes to a burner doesn't show in the promotion options and then promotes to a white burner if the moving piece was black. Take for example the Chess Knight in the diagram in my last comment.
[Edit]: Pieces that promote to burners upon being asked for promotion choice (at least for Shogi-style promotion) will also burn pieces regardless of whether promotion is accepted or deferred, even if the original piece does not burn.
It appears that the Black Buffalo promotes to a White Fire Demon in the interactive diagram. This should probably be fixed.
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Brothers Challenge v.2
One of the best games on your comments’ wall, both v1 and v2. You can add Astras (XBetza AH) to the corners and you’ll get v3:) Or not Astras, but Indices{Dragons} (FafafsfF) to Whites and Oxen (nDafafsfW) to Blacks.
I have put the pieces in the middle rank, but they can't be moved in the holes. What have I done wrong?
Why is the interactive diagram say Cloberers vs Cloberers does not work? It does for me.
One of my long term goals is to create a CWDA game that has jokers. It seems to me weird to have the joker imitate a piece from the enemy army. So I had thought at a transferrer. A piece that transfers the power from the enemy piece to it's counterpart from my army. So if such a piece should exist in the classic Betza's CWDA for example if the opponent moves a BEDE I get to move a charging rook (in a NN versus a CC). One trouble is that no programs implements this yet, firstly because that has not crossed anyone's mind. I can make my own program (I am progressing at my work for an apothecary chess program by the way) but this takes a bit of time. I'd like to try some basics. Anyone, any Idea how. Maybe the ID HG? It seems difficult to me though.
Anyway is the transferrer an interesting concept, or the joker should be enough even in this context?
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I also found another bug where a piece that promotes to a burner doesn't show in the promotion options and then promotes to a white burner if the moving piece was black. Take for example the Chess Knight in the diagram in my last comment.
[Edit]: Pieces that promote to burners upon being asked for promotion choice (at least for Shogi-style promotion) will also burn pieces regardless of whether promotion is accepted or deferred, even if the original piece does not burn.
I finally understand what is the problem here. There actually was an avelanche of bugs, some stupid (like accidentally masking off the color bit, or forgetting to mask the 'also burns' bit from the code of the promoted piece), and some more fundamental (introduced by the legal highlighting). The stupid ones are fixed now, so that black promotes to black pieces, and the promoted piece does show up on the purple squares.
The problem with the spurious burning is more fundamental, though: the NewClick input routine combined all moves with the same step to a single one for highlighting, making a list of all posible promotion choices for that move. This was fine when burning was only indicated by a different code for the promotion pieces, as it is when the pseudo-legal moves are first generated. Before the moves can be used they are 'scored', however, which also includes identifying which pieces get burned, and writing those into the move as extra locust squares. This used to be done after the user had selected the move and promotion pieces.
But for the legal highlighting it has to be done for all the moves of the selected piece, to make those in order to test legality even before the user selects one. But this interferes with combining the promotion choices when one of those would burn, and the other not. I am not sure yet how to solve this. It is conceivable that one of the promotion choices is legal, and the other not. (E.g. because you burn a piece blocking a slider attack on the King, or fail to burn a hopper mount.)
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Mokomon by Stuart Spence, AKA Zulban_tyr
But with shuffle.