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Giraffe-Ferz, Giraffe-Wazir, Giraffe-Wazir-Ferz
I haven't encountered any of those three pieces in a game.
I fixed some new bugs in the getimgsize function, as my fixes to it yesterday were imperfect. This function replaces the PHP getimagesize function, which only works for static images. The getimgsize function also works for PHP-generated images, and I have added code that is customized for particular scripts on this site.
Here are some rather marginal leapers.
German problemists (see https://dieschwalbe.de/lexikon.htm ) have named a few more leapers:
3,0-leaper: Dromedar "dromedary"
3,3-leaper: Gecko "gecko". Was Betza aware of this name when he choose the letter G in his funny notation for (3,3)?
5,0-leaper is unnamed, Gilman offers Quibbler for this one
5,2-leaper: Korsar "corsair"
5,0-3,0 combined leaper: Kröte "paddock" (since the more natural "toad" is already taken)
7,0-leaper: Hirsch "deer" (one may also consider "stag" here, but Cazaux uses stag for a 4,2-leaper). Gilman's name for this one is "settler".
This was an error. Adrian King's Dayrider is in fact AADDmK.
Plays in Typhoon and Jupiter, 1999, Adrian King. Called Dayrider in both games.
Fixed typo in code.
Game Courier was going to the bottom of the page when I would open it. I tracked the culprit down to the modernizr-custom.js script, which is a third party script used for detecting JavaScript capabilities. Using grep, I could not find any place where I was still using it. So I commented out the line that includes it.
Plays in 'Pocket Mutation Chess', by Mike Nelson, 2003.
Add: Called 'Amazonrider' in this game.
I hope my series of comments stops here, but I can't guarantee for that. As a side effect I removed a lot of errors from the English Wikipedia article "List of fairy chess pieces".
The Two Knights March by yoshilikes24-chesscraft94, AKA YoshiLikes
But 960.
I noticed a bug in the wyvern checkmate demo. For some time I even doubted that the Wyvern (ski rook) is a major piece, because there were some problems with the checkmating technique.
However, at the moment, these problems have been solved, the Wyvern (ski rook) is truly a major piece.
Here is a correct version of checkmate by the Wyvern (ski rook):
Alibabarider is SS while Dayrider is mKSS.
The combined (0,3)(1,3) also appeared in my Treacherous Trebuchets (To an editor: It's ready to be published). Combined 1,0 2,1 3,0 would be a Wazir-Knight-Dromedar, Wazir-Knight-Tripper would be a combined 1,0 2,1 3,3. By the way, AFAIK, now most variants with combined 1,0 2,1 3,0 use the name "Hydra" due to Stuart Spence. See: Wequedong, Snake Pit, Wiibid, No Step On Snek, Lion Kingdom War, Topaz dezert. Also, I edited my comment.To the site maintainer:
My problem with not being able to edit my pages is back. When I click "Edit this page", I get an edit page where the field "Your UserID:" at the bottom is blank, and if I fill in my password and try to save the page, it says "You cannot edit this page without a UserID."
I think the problem is that I'm somehow being logged out when clicking the "Edit this page" link; that has happened to me occasionally when clicking other links on the site too.
I've tried different cookie permissions and browser security levels. I'm using Microsoft Edge, but I've tried with Google Chrome or Firefox too, same problem. I can still post comments, as well as post new entries, apparently.
I deleted the spam.
I changed it to show your userid in a text input field. If you still don't see your userid, you can now type it in.
I finally found an AI that knows how to draw a centaur. So I replaced the old AI images with one new AI image. Since I hadn't done so already, I added printable pieces by Jean-Louis Cazaux and Bob Greenwade.
Indeed, the Ski-Rook is a major piece. You can practice checkmating with it here.
If it only has a D move in one of the dimensions it is more problematic, whether it skips the first square in the other dimension or not. Because in that case it is bound to even or odd ranks or files. On an even-size board there than always is one edge it cannot attack, and if the bare King can reach there it has a fortress draw. If not, it is a forced win.
But the Ski-Rook can reach the entire board.
Big changes to this game.
I changed the moves of the Kjempe and Custodian to give them a more realistic ability to participate in an attack. They are now both supposedly worth as much as a rook.
I also changed the initial position to avoid the bishops-pointing-at-rooks problem.
It seems the game has become a bit sharper with these changes, but hopefully not too much.
Thank you very much for this. It works for me now.
I meant the colourswitching piece, the numbers were correct, the last name not. I edited my comment to correct that. Thanks for notifying.
I have made a new version of the Chu Shogi Applet using a custom-built script. The link to the Applet now points to the new page. The old Applet is still available at a new page, whose membergraphics directory includes the old Applet by itself.
Thanks for the playable diagram.
Just a note to the casual reader: This diagram does not implement the original S(w)eeping Switchers, but a toned down version of them. The Queen-side pieces are more lame than the ones used originally, the King-side pieces are true to the original proposal. In this diagram there are more species of pieces than originally.
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I’ve found a good name for King-Zebra compound: Zoologist.