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Carpenter - The piececlopedia has many pieces of recent invention,
including the Waffle and Pancake from the same CWDA army. Having
researched Doughnut I find that this army has yet to be completed, and
have amended the article accordingly. Carpenters had their place in
mediaeval society even if, like queens, it was off the battlefield. We
shouldn't neglect those behind the scenes - it was someone noticing a
carpenter called Harrison Ford that gave cinema a good actor for
unconventional action heroes.
<p>I am still relatively new to this and making the odd error - but promptly
fixing them when notified. Where I gave too little prominence to usages
earlier than my own, I now realise the potential of this to give offence
and have corrected this faux pas as well. I do not know how to do multiple
references in the style of the existing e.g. Chancellor/Marshal pointing to
the same page. Advice on how to do them would be a positive and useful