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Angels and Devils. Chess game where white has two Angels and black has two Devils. (10x8, Cells: 80) [All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
💡📝Greg Strong wrote on Sat, Jul 2, 2005 04:30 AM UTC:
<p>I will post a ZRF shortly, for completeness. However, a large number of tests have been run with ChessV, and show the armies to be very close. Running tests with searches to different depths or with different time limits lead to wins by different sides. Even tiny tweeks of evaluation parameters that seem like they should be unrelated can flip the victory from one side to the other. I really have no idea which side is better, although you are correct in being suspicious about unbalanced armies. I'm sure if we could perform a perfect analysis we would discover that one side is definitely better. But, it seems that they are so close that I'm pretty confident that even slight miscalculations by the players will override any inherrent unbalance.</p> <p>Also, I should point out that using Zillions of Games as a tool for computer analysis of chess variants is totally pointless. Zillions is an impressive program, and is a very good tool for prototyping games and getting a feel for how they play. Unfortunately, it is useless for analysis because it is incapable of evaluating positions correctly. Even in standard Chess it doesn't have a clue. It thinks that a Queen is worth less than Rook+Bishop, when a thousand years of careful study have shown that a Queen is worth more than the pair. And it can't even play a reasonable opening; it loves to move the Queen to the center of the board as early as possible. You can't really base anything on the results of test-cases run by a program that makes really dumb moves right from the start.</p> <p>A new version of ChessV supporting Angels and Devils will be available very soon, I hope. I'm still trying to stomp out one last annoying bug. Of course, it is worth noting that any existing bugs could skew the results of my computer analysis. Additionally, ChessV still relies on me to provide evaluation parameters, and those could be wrong too. Sadly, there is no perfect tool for testing such things. ChessV is still in its infancy, but for the time being it's the best we've got.</p>