💡📝Greg Strong wrote on Sat, Jul 2, 2005 06:18 PM UTC:
Ahhhh... Thanks, Derek! I didn't realise that that's what the
'strength' slider actually did. That's good to know.
However, I must point out that setting Zillions to a fixed-depth still
isn't quite the same as setting ChessV to a fixed depth. ChessV uses a
quiescent-search whereas Zillions does not, so it would still be
compairing apples to oranges. I will now attempt to describe exactly what
a quiescent search is, but I will do so on the ChessV page. Coming shortly
As for disassembling, I have no moral problems with this, but attempting
to determine Zillions' secrets from an assembly language listing without
the benefit of comments or descriptive variable names would be like trying
to drink water from a fire hose! :) Chess programs are really tricky
things, and I have had some difficulty understanding some of the chess
programs which are open-source! (The developers of Zillions are
professional Chess programmers... I'm just a novice doing the best I
Thanks again,