💡📝Greg Strong wrote on Mon, Jul 4, 2005 03:58 AM UTC:
Thank you for the comment! Yes, I found it quite useful. I can't believe
that I didn't notice the safe-zones!!! Actually, I'm not that concerned
about the 8th rank being safe, but the a-file being safe does bother me
quite a bit.
Switching the Angel on the h-file with the Knight on the i-file as you
suggest would solve the problem, but then one Angel would be on dark
squares; I like the symbolism of the Angels on light squares and Devils on
dark squares. Your suggestion of making the board cylindrical would also
solve the problem quite nicely, but I fear that most people don't like
games on cylindrical boards. It does make things harder to visualize,
particularly the Knight-moves. The only other idea I have is to add an
extra file. I'm fine with this, but what should the extra piece be?
Chancellor? Archbishop? Second Queen? Something completely different?
I dislike the idea of Archbishop, because if I used that piece, it would
need a different name. The black army (the 'evil' army) would not have
an 'Archbishop' (and the alternate name of Cardinal isn't any better.)
Any suggestions would be appreciated.