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I would like to see an additional board and piece set option for for this game. One that had a much less colorful board and used subtle direction indicators instead of bold colorful arrow displays. Otherwise, though it is a logical and challenging game, it looks too much as though it is for children. And pieces: I would have trouble getting into the comic, big-eyed pieces, whereas Chinese or Alfaerie-Stanton Style pieces would seem more fitting to an engineer, scientist, lawyer, etc. A similiar situation exists with the related game 'All the Kings Men.' I own a board and set (plastic pieces), which is the 'adult' or 'grown-up' version. But I saw photos of a children's version. For me, personally, I like the adult set, but would not want to play on the child's set. Of course, this is all visual perception, and visual preference. But picture Kasparov and Topalov, for example, playing a serious chess match on a Scooby Scooby Doo set or a Simpsons set. It would be the same game, but ... somehow not quite right.