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On further inspection, I have to conclude that Michael's board is unusable. The problem is that it is creating optical illusions. Instead of using arrows, it uses little solid borderless black triangles. Because they're small and have no borders to define what they are, my eyes switch back and forth between seeing the triangles and seeing the shapes formed by the space between them. For example, the squares with the four diagonal directions sometimes look like octagons instead of squares with triangles in the corners. To see the triangles in any individual space, I have to focus right on that space, and the uniformity of the triangles makes that all the harder. Furthermore, the uniformity of the triangles creates global optical illusions. Instead of easily focusing on individual spaces, as I do with the Smess style board, my eyes focus on various patterns created by the overall arrangement of triangles. To avoid optical illusions, the board should use arrows with borders, not small borderless triangles.