David Paulowich wrote on Fri, Feb 24, 2006 10:55 PM UTC:Good ★★★★
The 12x8 board seems to be neglected, with many designers choosing to work on the 10x10 board. The Murray Lion is a piece that I would like to use in a variant someday. A weaker version is used in this game, along with several other pieces that are not strong enough to mate a lone King. The good news is: a pair of Can(n)ons should be able to do the job. In fact, I believe that you could even force mate with King, Can(n)on, and an ordinary Cannon versus a lone King. Let White have King[b3], Can(n)on-Pao[c4], Cannon[c2] and Black have King[b1] on the standard 8x8 board:
1. Can(n)on-c3,remaining Can(n)on-Pao, King-a1
2. Can(n)on-e3,changing to Can(n)on-Vao, King-b1
3. Cannon-d2 King-a1
4. Cannon-d1 King-b1
5. Can(n)on-g1,changing to Can(n)on-Pao, mate.