James Spratt wrote on Mon, Mar 20, 2006 12:06 PM UTC:
Hi, Gary: I think I know what you mean with the 'pink' business.
Someone wanted me to do some doll-heads, hands, etc., and after seeing the
doll-show, it dawned on me that they're overdoing their gender roles, in
the same way macho tough-guys overdo theirs, and I feel some revulsion for
it, sort of like they're trying too hard to be what they have no choice
about anyway.
Thanks for the kudos on Sarang; I put a lot of work into that whole
thing, and still am. I think I'm still in a couple of games of it here,
too, if someone would make a MOVE!(Yeah, I know it's new and tricky..)
Big Suzie sez she's decided not to beat you up after all, you MCP