Check out Makruk (Thai Chess), our featured variant for March, 2025.

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Herb garden chess. Variant on 7 by 12 board with additional combination pieces. (12x7, Cells: 84) [All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
William Overington wrote on Fri, Sep 27, 2002 05:37 PM UTC:
> Well, I will force your centaur to retreat because I'll attack it with my

Well your white knight may sally forth thinking that my centaur will
retreat, yet in fact he jumps so as still to protect the pawn yet also to
look as if he will attack your knight!

Indeed, the centaur does quite a lot of gesturing at the knight so that
hopefully some black piece will advance so as to try to attack him on the
square where he is located, whereupon he might jump so as to fork a
bishop, a champion and a rook all in one go!

However, unfortunately, brave though the fork might look, taking a piece
would lead to the loss of the centaur as well, so perhaps, if attacked, he
might gallop elesewhere, leaving the pawn originally protected now to fend
for itself.

Ah well, it was a nice defence while it lasted! :-)