John Lawson wrote on Sat, Oct 19, 2002 05:58 AM UTC:Excellent ★★★★★
My first question so far involves Ash trees.
- All the squares comprising a tree lead through a series of adjacent
squares back to the root.
- Ash trees grow by Knight moves.
Then I assume:
- Ash squares that are a Knight's move apart are considered adjacent.
- An Ash tree grows from b1 to c3 to d5, stops, and then grows to b4.
- The Ash square d5 is killed.
- Ash square b4 dies also, even though it is diagonally adjacent to c3.
Is this correct?
My second question involves underbrush.
When a deciduous tree is killed or injured, the underbrush squares left
behind are neutral. Is it true that neutral underbrush has no way to
My third question involves the Huckleberry.
Once per game, the Huckleberry can expand by leaping onto any friendly
grassland square. Is this Huckleberry distinct from the original
Huckleberry, resulting in two equal royal pieces?