'What else is there?' The 'normal' modification made to chesspieces is
to add the knight move to them. The bishop and the rook are the usual
suspects, but the other 2 pieces, queen and knight itself, have also
rather often been modified in the same way, creating the Amazon and the
Nightrider. If I may, I'll call these the Q Stronger mod and the N
stronger mod.
I like the Amazon as a piece in the Maharajah and Sepoys or Tigerhunt
types of games, where the Amazon takes on [most of] the FIDE army, and
nowhere else that I can think of. If it can take on 15-16 piece FIDE
armies by itself with a fair chance of winning [until you get to rather
high-level play at least], then I submit it is too strong a piece. I'm
sure some will differ, but I'd love to hear those people explain away the
previous 2 sentences in this paragraph.
George states 'the Queen is dead', or certainly should be. Since it's
~twice as powerful as the next most powerful piece, he may well have a
point. But I can live with the Queen, and for many people, it's their
favorite piece. But is there anyone who will defend modifying FIDE by
changing the Queen to an Amazon?