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You're welcome. I invented the Falcon in one fell swoop not even particularly thinking about Chess, in a conversation with a veterinarian friend of mine, Vera Cole, December 1992. Actually, I had four of the moves worked out (in different mathematical context) since January 1988 off and on and added the 'split block' two, perfecting the concept for Chess. Falcon is actually first of the (only)4 fundamental Chess pieces, because the other three can be derived from it(none of this Wazir-Ferz 'atom' stuff). Many of us started playing it immediately on 8x10 and by first of the year 1993, I was researching the prior art for a patent. We always thought in mid-1990's that Falcon substituted for Queen on 8x8 was as good as OrthoChess but no better. Give me some days to see what you have here, JJoyce, and expect evaluation.