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In 1990's the effort was apparent to describe in terms of alternatives to Classical Chess as part of mission. Here Bodlaender's first paragraph and also year 2002 Comments by others set context of Carlos Cetina's particular solution. Carlos Cetina from Mexico proposed Bishop Conversion Rule, one of a side's Bishops moving only once per game orthogonally one step, as far back as 1983, now used elsewhere than 9x9. In a separate offer Cetina has nothing to do with, follow the link at the second section. It appears one can still order Professor Michael Corinthios' 1977-patented ''symmetric chess'', also configured 9x9 ''the game of the millennium'' from the warehouse in Avon, Ohio, USA, for 30+USD. Carlos Cetina can be heralded as the best of 1000 contributors in providing sample games here, in Sissa Chess, and in Coherent Chess. Also credit both developers, Cetina and Dr. Corinthios, for having no use of poor awkward overworked Knight-compounds RN and BN, that Orthodox-driven players perennially revive to keep their comfort zones. Well, two Queens are not very novel nor is the Conversion Rule itself, as will be seen, so this CV is not nearly matching Cetina's other couple CVs which have the interesting multi-path Sissas. Someone just Commented about Modern Chess, also 9x9, having one of those (BN) copied over and over from year 1617 Carrera's(Centaur BN).