searover@bellsouth.n wrote on Mon, Dec 30, 2002 01:33 AM UTC:Good ★★★★
On the black side there is no Knight or Bishop to the left of the Black
player. The Pawns for B-k and king Knight are missing. The B-k is in that
posission and the B-q is in the B-bishop square. I placed the W-q in the
B-k 4 square for check. B-k was moved to B-q square. I then checked from
B-bishop 3 and he moved back to B=k 1. I then moved back to B-k 4 and he
kept repeating the move instead of blocking with the B-q. By doing this
the W-q could take the B-castle and put the B=k in check again.
After making 10 of these moves the B player said it was a
draw. I said no that his moves were not legal as he could have blocked
with the Queen. Who is right. Please answer to my e-mail address. I have
spent hours trying to find the answer and it is no where.
I want to thank you for your kind attention to this matter.
Charles H. Thibodeaux