Some day soon I will get around to posting a preset for Chess on a 12 by 12 board. How would The Maharaja and the Sepoys play out on a 12 by 12 board? I am going to disagree with the [2005-10-06 Roberto Lavieri] and [2008-12-12 George Duke] comments, as I believe that Black can draw this game by moving his Rooks up to rank 12 and sliding them back and forth. Even after losing his two Knights, the Black King is adequately protected by his two Bishops (on their starting squares).
EDIT: I already wrote essentially the same thing back on [2007-08-02]. The Chess on a 12 by 12 board preset now exists - I am trying to work my way through the submission process.
Some day soon I will get around to posting a preset for Chess on a 12 by 12 board. How would The Maharaja and the Sepoys play out on a 12 by 12 board? I am going to disagree with the [2005-10-06 Roberto Lavieri] and [2008-12-12 George Duke] comments, as I believe that Black can draw this game by moving his Rooks up to rank 12 and sliding them back and forth. Even after losing his two Knights, the Black King is adequately protected by his two Bishops (on their starting squares).
EDIT: I already wrote essentially the same thing back on [2007-08-02]. The Chess on a 12 by 12 board preset now exists - I am trying to work my way through the submission process.