I sent email to each entrant on 2 January outlining how polls are
conducted. (Only entrants are eligible to vote.) Each month I will send
email to my list of all entrants with the current month's polling
instructions. The following is excerpted from that email.
---begin excerpt---
To vote: Send me an email ([email protected]) voting for as many or
as few nominees below as you wish, in order of preference. I will use
Single Transferable Vote counting to establish the winner.
While you have all of January to vote, if I hear from all nine entrants
sooner I will announce the result ASAP.
---end excerpt---
Also included was the text from the webpage recounting the nominees.
If you or anyone else was an entrant as of January 1, and did not get this
email from me, please confirm your email address to me. Anyone who has
entered for the first time in January, as well as prior entrants, should
hear from me around February 2.