Nice numbers, David. The Unicorn [BNN] alternates between 4 and 12 squares at any given range, equalling the queen's # of squares attacked at every even-numbered distance [2 squares, 4 squares...], and falling 4 squares short for odd-numbered distances. It doesn't interdict, though. As boards get larger, the balance of power shifts more and more to the queen and the unicorn, but on an 8x8, how does the BNW do? [By the way, what the heck is a Fortress Draw?]
Finally, how does the shape [the geometric footprint] of the attacked squares affect the piece value? I'm beginning to doubt that the stronger of 2 pieces is always the one that attacks more close squares. Comparisons like knight vs camel fail, because the camel is colorbound, thus having an additional source of weakness.