The DN piece is sometimes called a Carpenter. The path to checkmating the lone King is complicated and nonintuitive. On this comments page, back on [2005-06-23], I wrote:
'I believe that the Knight-Dabbaba piece is sufficient mating material on the standard 8x8 board. Not sure about 12x12 and larger boards.
Here is a computer-verified endgame position from 1999. White to move and mate in nine. WHITE: King (c6) and Knight-Dabbaba (h8). BLACK: King (c8).'
Later [2008-07-06] H. G. Muller wrote: 'King + Carpenter can almost always perform checkmate on 10x10, but hardly ever on 12x12.'
The DN piece is sometimes called a Carpenter. The path to checkmating the lone King is complicated and nonintuitive. On this comments page, back on [2005-06-23], I wrote:
'I believe that the Knight-Dabbaba piece is sufficient mating material on the standard 8x8 board. Not sure about 12x12 and larger boards.
Here is a computer-verified endgame position from 1999. White to move and mate in nine. WHITE: King (c6) and Knight-Dabbaba (h8). BLACK: King (c8).'
Later [2008-07-06] H. G. Muller wrote: 'King + Carpenter can almost always perform checkmate on 10x10, but hardly ever on 12x12.'