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Beyond question Tetrahedral is real 3-D object -- known to antiquity -- neither optical illusion nor impossible object perceived yet irreproducible. Get used to it, because 'Man&Beastsxx' generalize from cubes, hex-prism, and tetrahedral. Cubes have 26 directions and tetrahedral 12 only, easing acclimatization. Notice the one notation -- out of many possible -- has only a1-a7 in order from level VII to level I. Not so doing for b1-b7 etc. It's for convenience having each of a1, b1, c1, d1, e1, f1 and g1 ''start'' on their own level radiating severally as needed. Full notation has level and then the square dual, like 'VIIg7' for one corner cell end-level. Such as 'c4' is not full descriptor since there are all of IIc4, IVc4 and VIc4 on different levels. For example, Rook Ia7-IIa6 and Rook Ib6-IIa6 -- adjacent Rooks optionally going to the same square one away -- are both legal moves, and they would be following different planes to get there, i.e., different directions within different planes. Use edge lines, faces, as well as the four colours to see legitimacies in whatever ways work. Knight is suitable to use colours for shorter ranges. In Level 1 and Level 7 (hey there is a science fiction classic 'Level 7') one plane eviscerates to a line, simplifying. All the corners mid-levels are more intuitive reference frames. The 12 directions are those of the 6 edges. Mentally involute, if you are still able within these widespread degenerate times, as used to be standard practice during past centuries.